I don't take orders from you

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"This is all really easy for you, isn't it? All that serum running through your veins. Barnes, your partner needs backup in there." He looks past Bucky. "Do you really want his blood on your hands?"

Bucky doesn't respond just looks back at me. "Watch Zemo."

I clench my teeth and nod. Walker pushes past Bucky Lemar following.

"Don't do this John." Bucky follows quickly behind trying to get Walker to come back to no avail. Leaving me alone again with Zemo.

I can hear Walker yelling that Karli is under arrest from back here and I let out a breath I had been holding as I lean back against the wall.

The sound of fighting echoes through the halls and Zemo turns to me. "You know your place is out there. Just go. I'm not going anywhere." Zemo shakes the handcuff on his wrist.

"Bucky said to stay here." I retort.

Zemo tilts his head, "Technically, no. James told you to watch me. Not stay here. All you need to do is..." Zemo shakes the handcuffs again.

"This is a horrible idea." I mutter as I undo the handcuffs.

Zemo leads me through twisting corridors and and hallways. He turns to me suddenly. "Sorry about this." Grabbing a pipe nearby he swings it at me and I block it. The pipe clatters to the ground as Zemo takes off running, the pistol that was at my hip now in my hands.

I come to a fork and I hesitate left or right. A gunshot echoes from my right and I run down it. Five more shots echo out before I reach Zemo.

"Zemo! Give that to me!" I wrestle the gun from his hands, he doesn't put up much of a fight staring down at the blue vials scattered on the floor.

Karli peaks around the upturned table she is hiding behind.

"Is this what I think it is?" Zemo asks the girl but she doesn't respond. "Magdalene, you and I, we can end this." He bends down picking up the small vial and holding it in the light a smirk across his face. "Magdalene. We have everything we need right here. I told you that only we could finish this, only we have the resolve." He turns to me, his hand finding mine on the gun and he guides it to point at Karli as he smashes the vial. He starts stomping the vials on the ground. "Handle her. Comply. This is what you've been made for." He tells me through gritted teeth as he smashes each one.

I stare at the girl ducked behind the table, the gun still trained on her but I'm frozen in spot. The sound of glass shattering echos around me as I stare down the barrel of the gun unsure whether or not to pull the trigger. Karli runs up the stairs meeting a guy there before rushing out. Zemo is too busy smashing the vials of serum to notice that Karli has run out.

Walkers shield hits Zemo in the side of the head and ricochets into my arm causing the gun to clatter to the ground.

"Ow!" I hold my arm where the shield hit it.

I go over and check to see if Zemo is alive or not. Bending down next to him, I hold my hand over his nose and am able to feel air flow so he's not dead yet. I'm not sure if I care one way or the other.

"I thought we told you to watch him." Walker says angrily from behind me.

"Bucky told me to watch him. And I did." I stand up and turn to face him. "I don't take orders from you." I spit.

Walker stomps up to me inches away from me and glares down at me. I glare right back but before either of us say anything else Sam and Bucky rush in the open door at the top of the stairs while Lemar comes running from down the hall.

"What did we miss?" Sam asks.

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