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Capítulo XIII- Concurso De Talentos
Patience had never cared if she was recognized or not. All she wanted to do was go to school, get good grades, and be with her friends. The thought of everyone liking her never crossed her mind, she often minded her own business skipping around the school with a bright smile.
But the funny thing is that everyone knew her as 'Perky Patience'. Either people used it as a complimenting nickname or as a mockery, which is often used by Principal Perry or Trent. She already stood out with her amiable personality at times, especially with her outfits, they were always added with a splash of color.
Patience peered over Leo's shoulder examining the school yearbook in Adam's hands. Patience hadn't ordered one that year, she was going to buy it her senior year, either that or she could just order one now if she pleased.
Chase ran in between Adam and Patience with another yearbook in his hands, "Did you guys see the yearbook? Everybody but me got a 'Most likely to' even Leo!"
"What? Let me see that." Leo snatched the book from Chase's hands. "'Most likely never to get a most likely.' I'm on the board!"
Patience read hers at the bottom of the page, "'Most likely to live in a cottage and befriend every animal.' That one is oddly specific."
Chase pouted, "Well, that proves it. I'm completely invisible at this school."
"Chase, that's not true," Adam assured. "If you were invisible, I couldn't do this." He punched Chase's shoulder, knocking him into Patience which she bumped into Leo. Chase clutched his shoulder as Adam walked away.
Bree crossed her legs and spoke, "Chase, just because you weren't nominated doesn't mean you're invisible."
"Oh, really? Yeah?" Chase shoved the yearbook in front of Bree's face, "What's this? 'Chip Davenport'. I'm a misnamed question mark!" he slammed the book shut.
Principal Perry hustled into the hall, a piece of paper in her hand flippered around, "Listen up, snot-buckets!" she announced, "Don't forget to sign up for the annual Mission Creek High talent show. Auditions are after school, and we'll be judged by moi. Chances are that if I don't like you, you won't get through, and I don't like any of you, so good luck."
Owen stood up from his spot on the circular bench, "Talent shows are wrong! There are no winners or losers in creative expression." He advanced toward Perry as she stapled the sign-up sheet on the wall.
Perry scoffed, "Stick a paintbrush in it, Emo Sabe!"
Agape, Owen turned back to Bree, Chase, Leo, and Patience. "I refuse to stand by while that woman crushes the artistic souls of our student body. I'm gonna go sketch my feelings!" he says, straying away from the group.