Chapter 3

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T.W: domestic violence/abuse

"I don't want your bullshit excuses, y/n! He has to die and it was going to be today!" Embris stomps over and yells in my face.

"And you were supposed to wait for me! We had a plan to be executed on the anniversary of her death but you rush in six months early and try to off him without me and dad!" I'm screaming now too. "Besides, you're the one that kept saying over and over that you wanted him to suffer for a long time!" My words I once believed in feel like ash on my tongue. Until I heard him screaming in agony as my brother drained the life from him, I also wanted Bakugo to die. He killed my mom, of course he had to die. But seeing it actually happen, I'm having second thoughts.

"What do you have in mind, y/n?" My father pipes up from his chair. He's always been like that when we fight. He watches and waits until one of us bests the other and then puts us both in our place. Today seems to be different though.

"What's worse than just dying in agony?" I ask, talking out of my ass at this point.

"Do enlighten me." My father says, calm from where he sits, rolling the ice around in his glass. A foolish person would think he's leveled out. As his daughter, I know he's enraged and moments away from losing it.

"Being betrayed and murdered by someone you love." I make up something that I've read in all my enemies to lover books.

"You might be right. How would you do it?"

"You can't possibly be thinking of changing our plan now?!?" Embris cries in outrage. "We've worked on it for years, dad!"

"Shut up!" He stands quickly and backhands Embris. "You were a fool to rush the plan. Y/n is right that she should be there. I should be there when that murderer takes his last breath. Your hubris gets the better of you, son. And you will not make the same mistake again."

"Yes, father." He clutches his redden cheek, glaring at me.

"And you" he turns to me and delivers a matching blow, harder and splitting my bottom lip open. Blood drips onto the neck of my dress "should have let it play out. Yes we should all be there, but that shit stain dying in pain is all that matters in the end."

"Yes, father." I mimic Embris' words.

"Now both of you to the dinner table. It should be served shortly. I have some business to attend to before hand and I will join you in a moment. We will discuss y/n's new plan for revenge since the old one is no longer an option." He straightens the cuffs on his nice shirt, handing Embris his mostly empty glass as he leaves to go to his office.

Our family owns several large businesses around the country and dad tries to conduct all his work from the office at the house. A few times a year he'll have to travel to look at the facilities but for the most part, he works from home. He buys 'protection' from the local mob. More and more these days it seems like he's the one that's been making the calls. A couple weeks ago, my car was in the shop and the mob boss himself was my personal chauffeur for the three days I was inconvenienced. My dad could have hired me a car or I could have Ubered, but for whatever reason, it was this boss that apparently had nothing better to do. I didn't question it. He ended up being a pretty cool dude.

Embris glares at me across the dinning room table. We sit on each side of the end of the table, a roaring fire crackling in the hearth behind the head seat.

"You're so full of it" He finally mumbles after his second drink. We don't dare start eating until dad joins us even though the plates have been set down on the table already and my stomach grumbles as the delicious scent of the appetizer wafting into my nose.

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