Chapter 6

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"I want to take a peak at those stitches" I say, taking my shoes off and hanging up my laptop bag. The ruined laptop is still on the dining room table and when Bakugo takes off his shoes and hat before sitting down with a huff. I throw away the pieces while grabbing the first aid kit that has been discarded on the kitchen counter.

He kicks out the chair next to him for me. After sitting down, I gently unwrap the bandages on his arm and leg. From the corner of my eye, it dawns on me that Bakugo had cleaned up the living room and tucked the bed away. The pillows we used are stacked neatly on one end.

"Did you clean them when you changed the bandage?" I ask.

"No. I'm not using that fucking pain spray." He grumbles.

"Awwwwe is a big stwrong hewo afwaid of some disinfectant?" I mock

"Oh for fuck sake!" He yells, snatching the spray from my hand and covering his own wounds with it, hissing as the liquid does it's job.

He slams the bottle down on the table and I stifle a laugh as I touch his thigh and prod around the stitches, examining my work while wiping away the excess moisture.

"I did pretty good." I comment, slathering it in a medicated cream and rewrapping the cut. It's not bleeding anymore but it still needs to be covered for a little while longer. The cut on his arm is much better and since it didn't require stitches, I just put the same cream on it and leave it unwrapped. It needs to breathe to heal well. I have a sneaking feeling that he'll end up with a couple scars from these, but I doubt it'll bother him since he already has several littering his limbs and what I saw of his torso.

"Cocky" he grumbles.

"I think you mean 'thank you, great l/n, I owe you my life and I'll do anything for you from this breath to my last'."

"Fuck you" He spits but the corners of his mouth tug up a small fraction of an inch.

"It's close but not quite right. Try again later." I playfully punch his shoulder, packing up the rest of the medical supplies and standing to put the kit in the kitchen. Bakugo stops me by grabbing my wrist. A jolt of electricity surges through my body from the contact as I look down at him but he keeps his eyes trained on the floor.

"Thanks.... brat" he tacks on at the end.

"Couldn't help yourself, could you?" I chuckle, pulling my arm away and ruffling his hair before putting everything away. For how spiky it is, it's surprisingly soft. "You hungry?"

"I could eat." He shrugs, joining me in the kitchen.

"I'll order something. What do you want?"

"We're not having bullshit food again. I'm cooking." He states, opening the fridge and finds food I definitely didn't put in there.

"Where did all this come from?" I ask, confused but grab the pots and pans he asks for.

"I called down to your doorman using that fancy buzzer next to the elevator and got him to collect a grocery order I called in." He replies, lighting the stove burner and starting to chop some vegetables while the drizzled oil heats on a skillet.

"You stocked my kitchen?"

"It wasn't for you, asshole. I'm not eating garbage take out food when home cooked food is so much better."

"And just how long do you intend to stay here?"

"Tired of me already?" He looks up from his current task and I take up a spot across the island to watch him from a stool. If I didn't know better, I would say worry flashed across his face.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now