Chapter 28

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The restaurant is on the outskirts of town, it's an unassuming building tucked between a coffee shop and a used book store. There's a cute outdoor eating area, but with the end of fall, the cold nights make it uncomfortable for dining under the stars. We step into the restaurant, arm in arm, the place is packed and I'm starting to get anxious being around so many people. Bakugo rests his free hand on the arm that I linked through his and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"How can I help you?" The friendly hostess asks, keeping her eyes trained on a paper on her podium.

"Reservation for two under Mitsuki." Bakugo says, I look at him and raise an eyebrow. He just pats my arm and mouths 'later'. The hostess looks up at both of us.

"OH! Mr. Bakugo! Excuse me! We didn't realize it was you reserving the back room. It must be for a very special group." She smiles at him and wiggles her eyebrows.

"Clean out your ears, it's for two. Just lead us to our fucking table" He grits through his teeth "I'm trying to have a nice evening with my beautiful date and extras like you just need to do their job"

"Be nice" I whisper at him, nudging his side. He grunts at me in return and tries to smile at the hostess, but it ends up looking more like a scowl. "Close. Keep trying."

The hostess awkwardly plasters on her best customer service smile and leads us through the tables back to a private room. She ushers us inside and closes the door behind her. Bakugo pulls my chair out for me and tucks me under the table and I finally look around the room. All of the walls are covered in cream colored curtains that has fairy lights winding through them. There's ivy covering the ceiling and the only light is a soft glow from the numerous candles scattered on the table and on all the surfaces around room. Slow music plays softly through hidden speakers to set the romantic mood.

He unbuttons his suit jacket and takes it off, putting it on the back of his chair before sitting down. The cuffs of his sleeves come undone and he rolls them up to his elbows neatly. I don't know what it is about forearms but seeing his flexing in the candle light is turning me on and I want nothing more than to knock the candles off the table and kiss him while the flames consume the room. It might be a little dramatic, but it is what it is.

"Mitsuki?" I ask once we're settled.

"That's my mom's name." He explains "I called her earlier and she made this reservation for us because she knows the owner. Made it easy to get this room. I didn't know how comfortable you'd be being seen in public with me after those articles. And when I eat at restaurants, I'm always interrupted by someone who wants something from Dynamight."

"Seeing as those articles are already out, being seen with you doesn't bother me. I'm just glad that none of them showed me in just my bra." I try to joke

"I would have had a word with the owner of the paper that dared." He replies, totally serious.

"Just a word. I'm sure that's all that would happen." I smile

"Maybe a few small fires" he smirks. My stomach chooses this moment to gurgle and I clutch it, trying to get it to stop by sheer force of will.

"Sorry. Guess I'm a little hungrier than I thought. Do you know where the menus are?" I ask, looking around the table and not finding any.

"Perks of the private room." As if on queue, the door opens and a dozen servers with a variety of plates piled with food and pitchers of various drinks come in, placing them on the table, moving candle sticks out of the way to fit all the food.

My eyes widen at all the options and he chuckles as the last server places their items down and takes their leave. "I don't even know where to start" I whisper.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now