Chapter 29

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He drives further out of town and up a steep hill before he parks under a street lamp overlooking a beach. I get out at the same time he does, when he comes over to my side of the car he looks slightly put out that he couldn't open the door for me. He doesn't say anything as he takes my hand, after finding it in the extra fabric of his jacket sleeve.

There's a wooden land locked dock that leads us down to the sand. My heels immediately sink into them, causing me to stumble. Bakugo catches me and bends down to take them off, one at a time. I scrunch my toes in the chilly sand and hold my long skirt with my free hand. Bakugo doesn't even try to pass me my shoes and reaches for my hand again.

We walk along the sand, staying away from the frigid water. I want to ask him why he brought me here, but his expression has changed and he looks sad now. I squeeze his hand to let him know I'm here without being too pushy.

"My dad loved the beach." He finally speaks after our fourth lap on this stretch of sand. The sun is setting over the water and the colors are beautiful as they reflect and cast the sky in shades of purple, pink, orange and yellows. "We scattered his ashes somewhere around here. I wanted to put a permanent marker, but my mom talked me out of it. She said it would 'deface the pure beauty of the beach he loved'. Whatever that means."

"I think she's right" I reply "keep it how he remembered it."

"I guess" he shrugs "I always come out here after particularly hard days. I lose a fight. Lose a civilian. Mess up. Get hurt. Sometimes my mom meets me here but either way I always end up here. Except for that day when you found me. I didn't come here. I went with you. It felt... wrong at first."

"And then?" I press.

"And then it felt... right. In that reading chair surrounded by your things. It wasn't home, but it felt like it. It's how this place would feel on those days. I even forgot for a moment that this is where I usually go until my mom called. She was at the beach and asked if I was at a hospital instead. I told her I was exactly where I needed to be. And I meant it."

I feel like crying. Not from sadnesses, even though him still grieving his father is heart wrenching. Him finding a new place has a note of hope that brings.... relief.

"When I called and she asked about you, she also asked if I was with you that night. I told her no, because technically you weren't there, but I think she has her suspicions that I was... bending the truth. Old hag always knows."

"It's like she raised you or something." I squeeze his hand and he turns to me.

"You're a breath of fresh air." He shakes his head in disbelief "Whenever I look at you it's the strangest thing. I feel like I can breathe but at the same time I feel so breathless"

"Didn't realize you were going to get so poetic on me"

He playfully shoves me with his shoulder, pulling me back by my hand that he's still holding. It's sweaty and pretty slick, but I'm not complaining. I just make a mental note not to go around any fire until I have a chance to wash my hands.

"I'm trying to tell you I care about you. Can you not mock me for two minutes?" He smiles while he looks at the quickly setting sun, but there's a sadness to it.

"I'm sorry. Force of habit. When I don't know how to respond, it's easier to poke fun. Might be why Gunther is my only friend. Maybe my assistant too, but she would never admit it."

He kisses my temple and we watch the sun dip below the horizon. We keep staring, watching the water crash against the sand until the stars come out and litter the sky.

"I feel the same way." I break the silence "I don't have the pretty words to go with it, but I care very deeply for you. I dare say I even like you."

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