Chapter 33

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"Can you reschedule?" I grumble, trying to snuggle closer to him.

"Not unless I want shitty hair to guilt trip me for the next eighty years for 'going back on my promises'." He gives me a squeeze and gets up. "You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to wake you any earlier and we're going to be a little late."

"You just go then. I'm going to stay in this comfy bed." I pull a pillow into my arms

"I already told them you're coming and they seemed more excited that you were going to be there than me being there, so no. You also have to go." He rips the pillow out of my arms and swats me over the head with it.

"Can we be even later so I can go home and change my shirt?"

"What's wrong with the one you had on?"

"It's not a Red Riot shirt."

"Oh fuck off" he rolls his eyes at me and collects my clothes, dumping them on top of me. "But seriously, we need to get going."

"But what if we stayed here instead? Eighty years worth of guilt trips can't be too bad." I say as I pull the robe off and get my bra on. Bakugo watches me the whole time and frowns when I pull my shirt over my head. Finally standing up, there's a sneer on my face as I put my underwear back on, upset that I don't have a clean pair.

"Maybe we should stay..." he contemplates as I get my pants up and fasten them into place.

"Too late buddy. The pants are on, there's no going back." I pat his shoulder as I head to the bathroom to make sure I don't have sex hair. Luckily, thanks to Bakugo's careful pinning, all it needs is a good ruffle.

He's fully dressed with his bag over his shoulder when I come back out and we skip the hood and hat as we stroll out of the hotel, arm in arm. No one is in the lobby and there is no media waiting for us either. We both breathe a sigh of relief to not have to deal with the awkward questions of us leaving a hotel late in the evening. We're adults, people just need to mind their own business, but I also understand that it helps further their career. I don't like it, but I understand.

Bakugo drives us to a moderately populated bar that already has loud music pumping out onto the street. We don't have to wait in the line to get in and I nod to the familiar face of the doorman. I've seen him in my father's house a couple of times, which now makes me think he's part of a gang or at least used to be.

"Do you know him?" Bakugo asks

"Vaguely. I know his face not his name." I explain.

"Ah. I want to dig more into that, but not tonight. I'm not on duty when I'm with you." He kisses the back of my hand.

Kirishima sees us first and holds his very large tankard of beer in the air with an 'Ayyyyyye' as a brave souls very flatly sings a cover of 'Free Fallin' by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. There's probably a lot of liquid courage in him and as he walks down off the stage to his friends, a woman jumps into his arms and makes out with him with very visible tongue. Bakugo scoffs, having witnessed the same public displays of affection.

"Oh come on, like you wouldn't jump into my arms if I serenaded you with a love song." I tease loud enough for only him to hear as we approach his friends.

"Absolutely not" he glares at me, very seriously.

"What's he grumpy about this time?" Kirishima slurs from his chair. His red hair is braided down his back in sections in what looks like a Viking style with silver cuffs clipped in various braids. It looks badass.

The next volunteer has stepped onto the stage and has decent pitch so the music isn't horrible background as we talk.

"I didn't agree with the song that he wants to sing." I lie to them all

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