Chapter 14

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TW: Talk of suicide

I stand still, breathing heavily with his shocked face not too far from mine.

"Y/n... no" he whispers, pain and panic flashing across his face. He places his hands on either side of my face, searching for something. "Please tell me this is a terrible joke."

"It's not." I push him away from me. He stumbles back a couple steps. "My dad and brother stopped me before I could do anything permanent. I would never try it again, but in that moment... I couldn't...."

Just thinking about that awful day when I almost made a huge mistake sends the despair and pain I felt rushing back to me and I grab my chest, sinking do my knees and bracing myself on the ground with my left hand. The skin on my palm scrapes against the hard surface and my breaths come heavy, in heaving gasps.

"Y/n, I've got you. You're safe." Bakugo kneels down in front of me, putting a hand gently on my back.

"I can't breathe" I whisper.

"I know it never helps to say calm down, but... calm down." He rubs my back with the warm hand. How did this day take this kind of turn? It started with me wrapped around this man naked and now he's consoling me while I try to catch my breath from a panic attack on the ground.

"How the fuck did I get here?" I look up at him, tears lining my eyes.

"...Y/n you walked here on your way home. Do you not remember?" He looks concerned

"I don't mean physically." I regain a normal breathing pattern, and the panic releases from my chest while I shake my head. "These feeling just snuck up on me. It's been such a good day otherwise."

"If it makes you feel better, technically Tuesday was a good day from start to finish. It's one in the morning, so it's now Wednesday." His other hand goes back to my face. I can see the edge of his palm visibly head as he rests it against my cheek. The warmth does wonders to soothe my troubled head. "Let's get you off the ground and a warm meal in you. We can still salvage Wednesday."

I don't move for several moments. I want to get up and let him take me home, have him comfort me and make everything feel all better. However temporary it may be. But I can't rely on him for that. Even if I do manage to save his life, he'll never forgive me. I don't blame him.

But he is right. We can still salvage Wednesday.

I nod, standing and walking into his arms, letting him hold me for just a little while. I keep my scraped palm by my side so it doesn't smear blood on his back. Without another word, he tucks me into his side and walks me back to my building.

I'm having a hard time shaking off my soured mood and as when we're back in the apartment, he guides me to sit at the table and tends to my bleeding palm. There's a partly completed puzzle sitting at one and of the table and a smile tugs at my lips as I imagine his soft sounds of delight as he fits the pieces together. He's gentle and cleans the wound before leaving it uncovered to breathe as it heals. He still doesn't say anything as he puts a plate of warm food in front of me and drops a blanket around my shoulders as I eat.

"I'm sorry" I finally break our extended silence.

"Don't apologize for having feelings, dumbass" he smirks, sitting across from me. The ease he had during our previous meals is gone and he's slightly on edge.

"I meant for killing off your favorite character." I joke, trying to get back to feeling normal.

"Yeah, that was really shitty. Dude was just trying to live his life" he chuckles. "Funny guy too"

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