Chapter 27

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"Bring him down?" I ask, shocked.

"I know it sounds crazy, but your father is... not a good man." He tries to speak delicately, and it's something I have started to suspect, but it's different having it confirmed.

"He brought me soup when I was sick. Tucked me in between him and my mom when I had a nightmare." A tear slips from my eye. This is all just too much. "He's not always been this way."

"From what we can tell, it's only been like this for the last five years or so. I know not all villains start out that way, and I'm not saying the man that raised you is bad, but what he's become..." he reaches out and takes my hand.

"It's probably been going on since he lost my mother. When we all lost her. We all dealt with it differently. My brother lashed out at others, I kept it all to myself, and my father.... my father plotted his revenge."

"This isn't my first run in with him. I'm not sure when exactly I saw him last but he was standing over a corpse. He bought and talked his way out of any charges and from then on he's been so careful." It's hard to hear but I need to hear it, I motion for him to go on. "The body was a young woman and I could have sworn he killed her. I just can't prove it. No one even knows his quirk. None of our tests that we ran showed evidence of a quirk we knew but the body was so shredded, it was hard to identify. He 'generously' offered to arrange a funeral for her, and then did it so secretly that we didn't even know when it was until after it was over. From what we can tell, he murdered someone's mother/sister/daughter, then arranged a funeral and attended it with them. Mourned with them. He's never been back to visit the grave so we don't even know if there's a name on the headstone."

I shake my head, tears falling freely. "He never seemed capable of that to me." I whisper.

"Those closest to us never seem capable of such malicious acts." He replies, pulling my arm so I'm closer to him. I take his comfort, laying on him, accepting his warmth and letting his heated palm run the length of my spine.

Now would be the time to tell him. Now would be the perfect moment to come clean and tell him about my family's plan to gain his trust and murder him. To tell him that he was the one that killed my mother and I can finally hear his side of the story.

"Katsuki.... my family... they're..." he cuts me off by pulling my chin up so my face is exposed to his and he kisses me.

"I know they're everything to you. I'm not asking you to decide right now. Just think about it. Even if you decide not to help us, keep our investigation a secret, please. I'm trusting you with this. I trust you." He kisses me again. "I won't push you on this. We don't even know where your father lives and I promise I will never let anyone trail you to your family dinners."

"Not like that will help them anyway." I mutter.

"Why's that?"

"After the last one, I told my dad that I needed a break and that I won't be coming around for awhile."

"Really?" He looks hopeful "you actually told your dad no."

"I told him he'd lose me if he didn't give me space."

"I saw him in the crowd when I picked you up." Bakugo says

"I did too." I sit up, pulling him with me so I can still look him in the eyes and keep my arms around him and he can keep his around my waist. "He probably just wanted to check to make sure I was okay. You made sure of that."

"You made sure of that. I was eager to see you take down the rest of the people there with that broken piece of chair leg." He smirks

"I would have done it too" I smile back, looking him in the eyes.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now