Author's Note

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Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate all the support/votes/comments/reads on the chapters and I hope you enjoyed it!

This is a stand alone book so there won't be another Bakugo book with this story line. I might write another one with him as the main love interest, but it'll be a totally different plot. Who knows :)

I'm not currently working on another book at this time. I have a vague idea for an erasermic x reader book, present mic x reader, and a fatgum x reader book, but I won't start writing until I have a better idea how I want it to end. I hate starting a book without an ending in mind because I feel like those end up with a lot of filler and if I don't like to write it, I'm sure you wouldn't want to read it.

Let me know if you have an other pairings that you'd like to see! If inspiration strikes, I might write about it!

Thank you all again! This wouldn't exist without your love and support!

I have a completed Aizawa book and a completed Kirishima book published as well if that interests you. If not, maybe I'll see you in the next one!

Have a lovely day!

-Em (6/30/21)

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