Chapter 16

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I take care of my hand, putting aloe on it once it doesn't feel like it's still on fire and finding it terribly difficult to wrap a bandage around my hand by myself. A majority of the burns are centered on my palm and my fingers are basically unscathed. I take a few extra moments to collect myself and try to stomp down my anger before emerging from the bathroom. Not wanting to go downstairs yet, my feet pad over to my reading chair and I flop into it. The robe splits high on my thigh when I cross my legs and the neckline is split down to the lace tattoo, but everything important is still covered.

"Y/n?" he calls from the main level. I don't answer him. "Will you at least talk to me and tell me if you're okay?"

The wrappings on my hand are too loose and are already falling off as I fiddle with the bandage. I lean back into the seat, closing my eyes as I rest my head on the back of the plush chair. A few more moments by myself is probably best so I don't turn him into stone out of anger and then throw him off the balcony, shattering him into small pieces that can't be put back together. I'd probably regret it later, but I'm too mad right now to care about it.

Heavy footsteps pace up the stairs and they pause by a bookcase. It's the reverse roles of when I came home from my family dinner just days ago.

"I'm sorry." He whispers "I over reacted."

"You think?" I snap back, immediately regretting my attitude.

"Listen." He walks toward me and I lift my head off the chair to look at him. He kneels down to the side and rests his hands next to my arm. "I was.... worried. I don't usually worry about other people and not only am I incredibly sorry that my quirk caused your hand to light on fire, but I'm also sorry that instead of trying to help, I yelled at you."

We lock eyes for awhile, not speaking, just looking.

"Will you fix this?" I ask with a soft voice, holding out my poorly wrapped hand.

"Of course, baby" he gently takes my hand and I try to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from the pet name. He carefully rewraps my hand, keeping his eyes trained on his task. When he's done, he holds it, careful not to squeeze so if I wanted to, it would be easy to pull away. I don't.

"Y/n." He looks up at me "I really am sorry. I don't say it often, but I am."

I don't know what it is, it might be his face or his tone, but I genuinely think he wants my forgiveness. "It's okay, Katsuki." I reply, using my free hand to ruffle his hair. "I guess this is my sign to quit smoking."

"Or mine to be more diligent about touching people." He grumbles, standing before sitting on the end of my bed a few feet away.

"You touching anyone else?" I try to tease

"Only when I have to"

"Oh so you had to touch me?"

"Oh no, sweetheart. I wanted to touch you. I still do" he scans me up and down, eyes stopping at my thigh. "I'll buy you a new robe"

I look down and see that patting my flaming hand on the fabric did indeed light it on fire, but luckily it didn't spread too far.

"Don't worry about it. I have a backup."

"Where is it? I'll get it."

"You're just trying to get me naked" I wiggle my eyebrows

"Oh no" he says sarcastically "I've been found out. It was such a stretch of the imagination to think that I would want to see the beautiful woman that I've shared a bed with naked again."

"The audacity" I smile

"Where's the robe?"

"Bathroom. Hanging behind the door."

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now