Chapter 9

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The meeting ended up being longer than I wanted. I texted Bakugo in the middle asking him for Kirishima's number so I can let him know when I'm on my way to the apartment. He sent back a string of explicatives that he wasn't my assistant and 'shitty hair could wait'. It made me smile and gave me a welcome break from fighting with the art department.

The cover they came up with is not only ugly but it doesn't match the rest of the series. It might be petty but one of my biggest pet peeves when authors change the style of cover partway through a series. I know it's a good marketing scheme to get more books sold so people that are like me have to rebuy the books to complete the set, but I hate it more than anything.

One of the 'brilliant' people also suggested that I put the murderer on the cover and I really wanted to leap across the table and punch them in the jaw. By the time my meeting is over, I'm starving and it's already late afternoon. They kept asking if I wanted to break for lunch but I needed this meeting to end and breaking for lunch would just mean I'm here longer. The room is comfortable and most of the staff is friendly toward me but every so often a group tries to micro manage me when my books have been the most successful print that's left this building. This group is trying that now, but in the end, whatever I decide to do myself will end up doing well with my audience. Or at least it has so far.

I text Bakugo and let him know I'm on the way. He told me the address this morning during breakfast and it just so happens to be a couple blocks from my publisher. I could have figured out where he lived from Embris, but it would be weird if I knew where he lived before he told me.

Bakugo replies to my text with a simple 'if it feels sketchy, leave.'

It warms my heart to think he cares about me and then that feeling immediately turns sour when it dawns on me that this is what my father and Embris wants. They want me to get him to care just to betray him in six months. The negative feeling passes the moment I step into Bakugo's apartment and start laughing uncontrollably. I call him while I'm still laughing and admiring the cleanest bachelor pad I've ever been in.

"What? Already can't find... why are you laughing?" He answers.

"Why do you have so many All Might posters?" I'm still laughing while talking "they're all framed"

"Shut up! He was the greatest hero! I'm going to be number one some day!" He yells

"I have no doubt you will be, but holy shit this is so many!"

"Are you going to pack my things or are you just going to make fun of my decor?"

"Definitely the second one" I say as I grab a duffel bag from his closet. Other than all the posters, his apartment is nicely decorated with neutral colors with pops of orange throughout.

"I swear to fuck, I will march over there and do it myself if you don't hurry up."

"Keep your booty shorts on, I'm packing"


"Not anymore you aren't. Unless you changed while I was gone" I tease "that outfit was pretty cute"

"I'm hanging up now. Hurry up."

"It's to change into those shorts, isn't it?" I smile even though he can't see it. He hangs up without another word. Teasing him has become the highlight of my day and I'm excited to go home and see how else I can embarrass him.

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