Chapter 7

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I point him in the direction of my alcohol cabinet and he doesn't even ask what I want, just fishes out a bottle of bourbon and a couple of glasses. It's the bottle I usually drink from to celebrate the end of a book but I guess there's no reason we can't partake in it today. At the table, he pours us both a glass and slides mine over to me.

"Don't get sloppy and not be able to finish the puzzle." I warn, picking it up and taking a sip.

"This is a stupid activity anyway." He grumbles back.

"Is that why you gasp in delight every time you get a piece to fit?"

"I DO NOT!" He yells at me, hands visibly heating around the glass he's gripping so hard I think it's going to shatter.

"Chill out, hot head" I roll my eyes, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting the hand with the glass on them "or we could always switch to knitting."

"I'm not fucking doing that." He grunts.

"Alright then blasty, puzzling it is"

"Don't call me that."

"Boom boy?"



He just glares.

"Fine. Teddy bear."


"You put up a tough front but you're really a giant teddy bear."

"I would rather you call me Kacchan."

"Alright, I can do that."

"NO! Shit. Why are you so fucking annoying?"

"It's part of my charm."

"I think you should let other people tell you that."

I giggle and turn back to the puzzle, we're about half way through at this point. I made sure to pick a medium sized puzzle just so we'd be able to finish in a timely manner.

I get up to go to the bathroom and when in there, I realize Bakugo hasn't been able to change his clothes since the set I gave him yesterday. Guilt creeps in at my inconsiderate house host duties.

"Oi! I'm tired of picking up your slack. Get your ass over here and finish this."

"Careful, Bakugo, someone might think you're enjoying yourself." I tease, grabbing my phone and snapping a picture of him bent over the puzzle. He has a small smile on his face as he get's another piece to fit.

"You send that anywhere, and I'll strangle you." He says without looking up as I sit down again.

"Oh man, I was hoping to sell it to some tabloids and get rich."

He looks at me like I'm stupid and then around at my apartment. "You're already rich."

"Guess I won't sell it then." I shrug, pulling my knees up.

We've gotten to the point that I can't reach the section we're working on from my spot. Bakugo realizes and pulls my chair closer, our legs touch. Neither of us move. With each piece he picks up and puts in it's spot, his arm rubs against mine. It's a touch out of necessity, but it feels more intimate to me. Looking at his face as it happens, he doesn't give anything away that it affects him.

When he's not looking, I slip a piece onto my seat, under my butt so I can be the one to put the last one in. We occasionally drink and make an odd comment about what kind of piece that goes in a specific spot, but otherwise, it's just comfortable silence. It's really nice. I forget how lonely it gets in this big place with just myself.

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