Chapter 34

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The alley to the side of the bar opens to two different streets. Kirishima is on guard at the end explosions and Bakugo's shouts keep coming from. Mina and Kaminari are ushering people down the other way to another location to wait out the violence. Bakugo is fighting alone.

I drop the blanket and sprint toward Kirishima to catch a glimpse of my favorite hero. Bakugo has blasted himself into the air and is falling fast toward a small group of people in full black body suits that obscures their identities.

"Katsuki!" I scream without thinking, worried about him. Kirishima turns and sees me there at the same time Bakugo's hesitates. One of the people he was about to attack uses that to their advantage and hits Bakugo with a whip that looks like it's made from blood. "Shit"

I try to run to him, but Kirishima holds me back.

"Take her home!" Bakugo yells and Kirishima doesn't hesitate to lift me off the ground and take off in the other direction.

"He needs help!" I struggle against his hold, but it's no use, Kirishima has hardened the arm around me and there's no way I'm getting out. I could turn him to stone but at the speed he's going, he could trip and fall, shattering into pieces and die, so that's not really an option.

"He'll be fine" Kirishima reassures me as he sprints in the direction of my apartment. "If you go back, you'll just distract him"

I know he's right, but I can't stop thinking about how hard he was hit. He was on the ground with four people around him but at least he wasn't bleeding. He's outnumbered and now he doesn't even have backup nearby. Kirishima has had the most to drink tonight, but he seems sober enough to at least help watch Bakugo's back.

"I'll go back to my place, just put me down and go help Katsuki" I plead

"Alright alright" he sets me down and hesitates

"Go!" I shout, pointing back toward the smoke that I can only assume is Bakugo still fighting.

"If he kills me, it's your fault" he tries to joke as he sprints back the way we came.

We're a few miles from my apartment so I start the long walk back, rubbing my arms against the chill of the night, wishing I had grabbed my jacket or at least kept the blanket on. I reach into my pocket for my phone to call a cab, but then it occurs to me that I left my phone in my jacket... which is back at the bar.

Fuck that was dumb.

The long walk back to my place has my limbs frozen by the time I'm in the lobby of my building. Which is when I realize I also don't have my keycard since my wallet is in my backpack in Bakugo's car. Luckily, the front desk will have a spare that I just have to sign off on and return when I get mine back.

At the desk sits a person I've never seen.

"Hello how are you this evening?" I ask, trying to be pleasant even though my stomach is in knots with anxiety about what's going on. I would go back to Bakugo's place but he told Kirishima to take me here and I have no way to tell him about a change of plans.

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How can I help you?" He asks.

"I'm l/n and I need the spare key card to my unit."

"I can do that for you, I'll just need a photo ID." He says with a smile, holding his hand out to me.

"See here's the thing. I don't have that on me right now. Is Danny working now? He can vouch for who I am."

"He's not and according to building protocol, I can't grant you access to the units if you don't have proof of who you are."

"Listen, I do appreciate that, but I've had quite a night and I really would like to just go up to my apartment and lay down." I plead.

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