Chapter 31

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"You didn't tell her I was coming?!?" I panic and stare at Bakugo wide eyed as I reach for my shoes to hastily put them back on.

"What do you think you're doing? She's being dramatic. It's fine." He swats my shoes out of my hand and practically drags me into a large kitchen where a woman who he looks a lot like is chopping vegetables on the large island in the middle of the room and facing the doorway with a scowl.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Bakugo" I immediately apologize, holding my free hand in front of me, trying to pull out of Bakugo's grip "he didn't tell me that I wasn't invited. I'll just catch a cab. Your home is lovely by the way. Katsuki! Let go of me!"

"You're y/n!" Ms. Bakugo sets the knife down and wipes her hands on her apron before coming around the counter and scooping me into a warm bear hug that only moms seem to be able to give. Bakugo lets go of my arm as tears prick my eyes. She hugs me like I remember my mom hugging me and I grip onto the back of her shirt.

She just holds me, knowing in that mom way that I need this. Tears stream down my face and I actively fight the rising sob in my throat. Bakugo clears his throat uncomfortably after awhile and we break apart. She offers me a hand towel that she had in her pocket and I gladly take it, cleaning up my face.

"I'm so sorry. I'm such a mess right now." I ramble. Bakugo rubs my back which isn't helping the tears stop. I glare at the tall hero briefly before turning back to his mom "I'm sorry for showing up unannounced, Ms. Bakugo. He should have asked if I was welcome."

"You are absolutely welcome here! And please call me Mitsuki" she also glares at her son "this brat likes to show up with Kirishima and his other muscular hero friends all the time without warning and I always feel like I can't feed them enough. I want a warning for them. Not for you. You are a welcome surprise." She holds onto my arms while she says this. "Now come here and tell me about you. I know better than to trust the articles I read."

"Can I help make lunch?" I ask, following her around to her side of the counter.

"Of course! Sauté these vegetables while I get a sauce going." She offers me a pink apron and I put it on. "That's Katsuki's. He doesn't wear it much while he's here. Little brat doesn't offer to help much."

"I do too! You're the one that says I don't get it right." He complains from the other side of the counter. "I thought you didn't cook."

"I said I don't use my kitchen, not that I couldn't" I chime in, looking at his gloomy face over my shoulder.

"You don't cook?" Mitsuki asks eyeing me curiously.

"I haven't found much joy in it. It was something my mom and I used to do every week." I explain. "And after, it didn't have the same..." I trail off, not knowing how to finish that sentence.

"I get it" Mitsuki rubs my back with her free hand and nods back to Bakugo "if it weren't for that little shit, I would have stopped too. His dad and I would cook together every night. Grumpy over there stepped in after to help me, but it was never the same."

I just nod sadly, stirring the vegetables on the stove.

"Oi! I'm right here! Don't talk about me like I'm not." Bakugo gripes

"So he's always been this explosive? It's not just me?" I joke

"Practically since he got his quirk. I guess it suits his abilities." She loudly whispers back at me, letting her hand fall from my back as she adds more to her simmering sauce. "Tell me about you. All I got out of my son is that you're kind."

"How generous of him." I giggle

"I'm still here" he grumbles, sipping from a glass that I didn't see him get.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now