Chapter 35

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I wake up, covered in sweat and overheating in Bakugo's arms. I look at his sleeping form and see he's also perspiring quite a bit. I press my lips to his sweet smelling sweaty forehead for a moment before wiggling out of his hold. He must have had a hard time falling asleep because he doesn't even shift. I pull off a couple layers of blanket from him to try to make him more comfortable before going to take a shower.

I'm fast about it and change into my robe when I'm clean. Bakugo is still sleeping and I press a cool wash cloth to his face to gently wipe the sweat off. He stirs a little and grabs my wrist, holding my hand to his chest.

"Babe, I need my hand back" I whisper, running my other hand through his sweaty locks. "And you need a shower."

"Hmm" he grumbles, trying to roll over onto his stomach and take me with him.

"Katsuki no!" I laugh, yanking as hard as I can to get myself free. My hand slips out of his slick grip, the force of my pull sends me stumbling back and I trip over my feet, landing on my butt with an 'oof'. Bakugo jolts up in bed and when he see's me on the ground, launches himself at me.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did I kick you again? I'm so sorry" his eyes are wild and filled with worry.

"What did you do with my grump?" I joke, brushing him off and getting to my feet. "I tripped"

"Don't be so fucking clumsy"

"There you are" I smile up at him, brushing his damp hair off his forehead. "You need a shower"

He sniffs his shirt "you're right"

He strips all his clothes off and leaves them in a pile on the floor before going to the bathroom. The sounds of the showers meets me in his room and I decide that it's probably my turn to make breakfast.

"Smells good" Bakugo says, resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around me.

"Better than yours?"

"Absolutely not. You said it yourself. I'm simply the best"

"Oh fuck off" I turn my head to look at him. He's a breath away from my face and I playfully push his head away from me. "You can't throw that back in my face."

"But I am the best"

"I'm never going to tell you that again." I roll my eyes

"Noooooo" he whines, kissing along my neck and putting his hands under my shirt on my stomach. "Tell me."

"What do I get if I do?"

"You're already getting craft night, what else could you possibly want?"

"A walk after breakfast. I saw a park nearby that I want to check out." I say patting his hands and removing our breakfast from the stove to split onto two plates.


"You're the best" I smile and kiss his cheek.

We eat pretty quickly and bundle up to go out in the early morning chill. Bakugo looks a little tired as we walk to the park but he stubbornly keeps going, holding onto my hand.

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