Chapter 46

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I go between a holding cell or interrogation room for several days as I spill my guts about my family. The officers were nice enough to let me shower everyday and provided me with a clean jumpsuit. I get to make a phone call after processing and I use it to call Des and give her the shortened version of what's going on. I ask her to take care of the arrangements for Embris and in exchange, she wants visit me.

There's not a lot for me to tell the police about my father's business, but I am able to provide them with safe codes and possible hiding places for any incriminating files. All the officers have been surprisingly nice and I have a sneaking suspicion that Bakugo being my boyfriend has something to do with it. Ex boyfriend? I don't know anymore. For all I know he's relieved that I'm here and going to rot in a cell.

I have a lawyer that Des hired and he's been super frustrated with how cooperative I've been. He keeps trying to tell me to wait for a deal before offering information, but I don't care. I've made my bed, it's time to lie in it. Conspiracy to commit murder is the charge I'm being held on and there's been talk of tacking on accessory to other crimes associated with my father's 'business'.

For the third time today, I'm brought into an interrogation room and the long chain of my cuffs are looped through a bar on the table. They know what my quirk is and anyone who handles me wears long sleeves and gloves so I can't touch their skin. The officer that brought me in today is one of my favorites. He always asks me how I'm feeling and if I need anything.

I usually only talk to police twice a day and my lawyer is waiting for me in what ever room I'm brought in. That's not the case now. The extra meeting must mean something has changed. I stare nervously at my reflection, noticing the prominent bags under my eyes from lack of sleep and a face with a little more acne since I haven't been able to wash it properly.

I'm sitting and fiddling with the cuff chain as the door opens and in walks Bakugo in his hero costume without his gauntlets. Someone must have mended it or made him a new one in our time apart. He takes in my appearance and scowls at my chains. My heart starts hammering in my chest.

"Unlock her" he grits out over his shoulder. There's a muffled response and I can't make out exactly what is said. "I don't give a fuck what protocol is. Give me the keys"

He clearly doesn't get the answer he wants and storms in, slamming the door behind him. He sits down with a huff and reaches across the table, grabbing the chain and melting it so the cuffs are still on me but I have free movement of my hands. We study each other, he's looking at me with an evaluating stare and I'm just trying not to look away in shame.

"Tell me everything" he finally says, breaking the silence.

"I've already told the police. There's a recorded account of it somewhere." I reply, putting my hands in my lap and staring at them as I fiddle with my nails.

"I know it exists. I need to hear it from you." He softens his tone. This feels oddly like a test, but I'm too exhausted to try to play these mental gymnastics. I don't sleep as well when he's not next to me.

I take a deep breath and I go over everything again, starting with the months leading up to my mother's death and ending where I found him chained down. "And the rest you were there for." I finish.

"Is that everything?" He asks. Over the last few hours of me laying out all my crimes, he's just sat in his chair, arms crossed over his chest watching me. He flinched a couple times when I mentioned getting injured in training but didn't bat an eye when I confessed to my involvement in my family plan to murder him.

"Yes" I reply with a hoarse voice. He grabs a water bottle from the table behind him and passes it to me. I take it gratefully and chug half of it before he continues.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now