Chapter 4

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"No fucking way" He narrows his eyes at me, skeptically. "You're l/n, not Morrow"

"Pen name, idiot." I smirk from the shadows. "Do you really think a parent is cruel enough to name their child 'Mildred Morrow'? They'd be bullied to no end in school."

"I definitely would have bullied them." He mumbles.

"The next book of the series you were talking about is being released on the tenth of next month, by the way, and the final book of the series in your hand is halfway written." It's what I've been spending my days doing at the coffee shop.

"Wait. If you're a writer, how did you learn how to do stitches?"

"My brother came home with his fair share of bumps and bruises over the year. It was easier for me to patch him up so he didn't have to explain the wounds to our parents. I got good at it over the years." I shrug, walking into the light to grab the robe that's hanging over the edge of my bed.

"Who did that to your face?" He gets off the chair, book clattering to the floor.

He closes the distance between us in a matter of steps, grabbing my face by the chin to examine the damage more closely.

"Doesn't matter. It's fine." I reply, pulling my face out of his grip.

"Bull shit it doesn't matter. You went to a family dinner. Did you get hurt traveling or did a family member do this?"

"Drop it, Bakugo." I state firmly, pulling my black silky robe off the bed and storming off to my bathroom. I take care to shower for a long time, letting my sore muscles loosen up in the heat of the scalding spray. I examine my naked body when I'm done, spotting a few yellowing patches on my torso that will undoubtedly turn to full bruises given time. Embris really took all his anger out on me.

I wrap the silky, floor length robe around me and emerge from my bathroom, my eyes wander to the reading chair in the loft. Bakugo isn't there anymore but the light is still on. Using the remote that controls the lamp, it winks out as I slip into bed. Normally, I would sleep naked, but with a guest here, opting for at least a little covering seems wise.

Sleep doesn't come easy and after a few hours of tossing and turning, my feet hit the ground and I pad downstairs for a late night drink and ice cream. Bakugo is snoring softly, sprawled out on the pull out couch as I tiptoe past him. The cool freezer air hits my face as I dig around for my favorite flavor of ice cream. I don't bother with a bowl and just grab a spoon and dig right in, pouring a glass of water and sitting on a stool in the kitchen. I could creepily stare at the sleeping hero while I eat and drink, but I opt for the night sky of the city instead.

A few buildings have lights still on and part of me wonders if someone is awake or if the light was just accidentally left on. The dark sky is void of all clouds and the stars and moon shine brightly, throwing silvery light onto the floor through the large windows. I absentmindedly finish off the tub of ice cream and throw the empty container away, putting the dirty spoon and now empty glass in the dishwasher.

I walk over to the stairs, hoping to go back up to sleep, but on the first step, my leg screams at me. The soreness has set in and my muscles are too over worked to climb the stairs. Normally, I would just sleep on the couch, but my unexpected hero guest is already in that spot. He moved the coffee table to the side to to pull out the mattress and he's using it as a place for his phone, keys, wallet and a half full glass of water. I notice that he has the same type of phone as me and realize it's not charging. I keep a spare charger in a drawer in the kitchen so I snag his cell and plug it up, leaving it on the counter. I get a glimpse of his Lock Screen when the familiar charging sound dings. It's of a woman that looks eerily similar to Bakugo and a taller man with brown hair that has a kind smile and soft eyes. These are probably his parents.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now