Chapter 18

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"You didn't call me" Des is smiling in my doorway with a big stack of papers.

"You said to call if I was going to leap across a table. Not if I was going to turn someone into stone." I say with a straight face. I'm too tired to deal with all the garbage of the day.

"Let me be more specific. Next time you're going to put a bitch in their place, I would like a front row seat with some snacks, not Trevor bringing me the recording for me to delight in after the fact." She sets the copy of my book down on my desk and I get out an empty binder to put it in. The binder makes it easier to keep the pages in order so it's less of a pain to find the edits that I make.

"You and Trevor seem to be getting really close these days" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Don't change the subject."

"So I'll take that as a 'we are hopelessly in love and will never be apart from each other'."

"You can take it as a 'fuck out of my business' and actually fuck out of my business." She flops into one of the chairs across from my desk. "Besides, you've been living too long in a fantasy world if you think that we will ever be a thing."

"Uh huh. Keep lying to yourself." I ship them and really want them to be a thing, but knowing how closed off Des is, it's a miracle that nerdy Trevor even has the guts to talk to her. Most people in this building don't talk to her. "Are there any more meetings?"

"Nope. That was the last one for awhile." She says. There were three meetings this morning, all in the same room one after the other to get them all over with quickly. I really should have been done an hour ago, but Karen's meeting ran long.

"Thank fuck." I lean back in my seat, yawning and rubbing my face. "Say, Des. If you were going to meet someone's friends, would you wear make up?" I didn't bother to put any on today out of habit, but the more I think of my evening activities, the more I wonder if I should have.

"Depends. Who is this person to you?"

"Oof. That's the question, isn't it."

"Alright. So what do you want them to be to you?" She props her feet up on my desk, amused at the conversation.

"That's also a question. I'm honestly not sure."

"Describe them to me." She demands.

"Well. He's got a rough exterior, but underneath all of that he's surprisingly gentle. He's funny and hot headed. Insults me constantly, but I spit it back at him. He always scoots closer to me or pulls me to him if we're sitting next to each other. When we slept together, it was unlike anything I've ever known."

Des is no stranger to my love life. She's had her share of run in's with my lovers when going to my apartment on errands. It was embarrassing at first, but the only comment she ever made on them was a genuine 'good for you'.

"In a good way?"

"In a great way." I say wistfully remembering our nights together. It reminds me that we're uneven and I probably owe him at least some hand action to repay him for the table.

"Then I'd say yes to at least minimum make up. Especially if they're not the kind of person to normally welcome a stranger into their life."

"He doesn't seem like the type to do that." I admit.

"Oh so it is a dude. I was trying to guess on my own. Usually you change up the pronouns to throw me off the trail." Having seen several of my lovers Des knows that I'm not picky when it comes to gender and likes to make a game out of which she'll find in my apartment next. Surprisingly, she's been right more often than not, but she must not have been too interested in checking out Bakugo.

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