Chapter 45

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Am I actually considering fighting my father? I shakily walk over to the shelf with various weapons and fighting gear, scanning it like I don't already know every piece like the back of my hand.

I know I can't win in a bare hand to hand situation. He's taller, faster and has a longer reach. Boxing is out for the same reasons. Any form of mixed martial arts, I'll be hopelessly out classed. I doubt he would agree to a classical dual with guns. I don't think he'd want to kill me, but the wild and furious look on his face makes me second guess that thought.

The only option left is an old fashioned sword fight. I won against Embris, maybe I can beat my father too. When I reach for the practice swords, my father lets out a surprised noise, but bats my hand away, going to a closet and pulling out real swords.

"High stakes" he says, tossing the metal to my feet with a clamor that echos off the bare floors.

"You can't be serious" Embris limps over to us. I peak behind him as I grab my sword and see Bakugo bandaged up, no longer actively bleeding. Having a sharp sword might work to my advantage. It may even be enough to cut his chains off. My goal is to get Bakugo out of here, I'll follow him if I can, but if I can't, I need to convince him to leave me here. It seems like an impossible task.

"She chose. I'm just following through." My father responds. "As I've been teaching both of you for decades, don't offer a deal if you're not willing to carry out the terms. Same goes for accepting deals."

The blade is heavy in my hand. Heavier than the practice sword. It makes me realize that this was a mistake. I don't have the grip strength for a lengthy fight but I don't know if I can be swift enough to end this quickly. I look at my father's face and see him smirk as if he's already won.

"You've also taught us not to underestimate anyone." I answer "hope you're not becoming forgetful in your old age. I'd hate to have to put you in a home"

"No you wouldn't" His wicked smirk grows into a Cheshire Cat smile.

"This is insane" Bakugo says. I get distance from my family and step into the center of the floor. "You're not going to battle to the death medieval style!"

"The only thing I can appreciate about you is how much you care for my daughter." My father tells Bakugo as he joins me in the center of the floor so we don't accidentally break windows or mirrors. "But this is a family matter. I'll muzzle you if you can't keep your trap shut."

"If anyone muzzles him, it's going to be me and it won't be while we're within ear shot of my family" I say without thinking. That irritates my dad. Embris takes the seat I vacated and sits down next to Bakugo.

"Careful, y/n." Embris warns, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head as if he didn't have a care in the world. "You leave your left side open a lot."

"Beat you, didn't I?" I snap at him and he raises his hands above his head in fake surrender before putting them back in his relaxed stance.

"Y/n. Stop. This is..." Bakugo starts but then his breathing gets rapid and his eyes get wide with panic. I look at my father who's eyes are glowing and locked onto my boyfriend. At least I still hope he's my boyfriend after all this is over. Something to worry about later, I guess.

"Dad?" I grip my sword harder.

"He's done talking" my dad practically growls

"What are you doing?" I ask, torn between going to Bakugo and not wanting to turn my back on my dad.

"I'm using my quirk. In all your years, you've never asked what it is." He's right. Until this moment, I never asked and since he didn't offer, I just assumed he didn't have a quirk. "It's called 'panic'. I can cause any person to panic just by looking at them. Scared off the first guy you tried to bring home with it."

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now