Chapter 44

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I don't bother to call my family, they should know I'm coming since they have my boyfriend. I bought a new motorcycle within the last four months of living with Bakugo. That's what I take when I leave a stunned Kirishima at our apartment. I could see how angry he was but there was no time for me to make it up to him other than a quick 'sorry' and 'arrest me later' as I sprint out of my building.

I turn my bike off when I'm in front of my dad's house and discard my helmet next to it. I'm still wearing leggings and Bakugo's cream colored sweater. I didn't bother to bundle up more. I don't feel the cold. The only thing I feel is my rage boiling under my skin.

The set of keys for the house is still back at my place. An oversight in retrospect, but it doesn't matter as I kick the door in.

"That was dramatic" Embris says, leaning against the railing of the stairs.

"Where is he?"

"Where is who?" He smiles, knowingly

"Embris, I'm about twelve seconds from burning this house down and you with it. I'm going to need you to stop being an idiot for the moment, no matter how challenging that may be for you."

"Looks like you have more bite to you, y/n." My dad says from inside the lounge. The door is open and he's just relaxed in a chair with his drink. His suit is without a coat and for the first time since our mom died, he's not wearing a tie. His hair is messy and the top of his shirt is unbuttoned, his sleeves cuffed. "I'm surprised it took you so long to get here. Really thought you would be here to retrieve your man hours ago."

"I didn't know he was missing until recently." I grit out through clenched teeth.

"Still. Very careless of you not to keep an eye on the people you know want to cause him harm. Maybe you don't care about him as much as you pretend you do." He smirks and chuckles coldly, downing the rest of his drink. "Anyway, why don't we all go see him. I have yet to have a formal conversation with the prisoner. Your brother was so kind as to bring him in and keep him... occupied."

I don't like the way he's talking and I subconsciously put my hand to my chest, feeling the comforting outline of my mom's necklace there.

Embris is limping as he leads us down to the training room. My heart shatters at the scene before me. The soft mats have have been removed and Bakugo is kneeling on the ground near the far wall, calfs secured to the ground with metal brackets and hands in thick metal mittens, fastened to the floor with a heavy chain. His hero costume is ripped and torn in various spot and he doesn't look up when the door opens and I have to stifle a gasp.

"What round is this? You not bored of me yet, Embris? I could always take another chunk out of you." Bakugo scoffs, answering why Embris is limping. He spits on the floor. It's mostly blood. There's also a small spot pooled under him.

"If y/n doesn't get tired of your face, how could I?" Embris taunts.

"Leave her al-" Bakugo looks up at us and the words catch in his throat. His eyes are wide and full of fear. Well one of his eyes is wide. The other is mostly swollen shut with a large bruise on it. It registers that my dad didn't come into the room with us. "Y/n. You have to get out of here, baby. Leave me. Just run. I'll get out of this and find you later. Okay baby? Can you do this for me?" He forces a smile at me while pulling against his restraints as if he were trying to get to me.

"Embris. Let him go." I turn to my brother and plead. "Please. It doesn't have to be this way."

"You know it does." Embris replies sympathetically, setting a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "We'll get through this and then we'll grow closer again. You'll see."

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