Chapter 23

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"Everything alright?" Bakugo asks, coming to stand next to me.

"Yeah. He's just worried about what those articles could mean for me." I reply, not really lying.

"And what's that?"

"Well. Considering you are the number two pro hero and have quite a few enemies, I could be a good way to get to you." I recite what one of the articles said.

"I won't let that happen." He states firmly.

"I won't let that happen. I'm not a delicate little flower that needs to be protected. I can take you and Kirishima down."

"Don't take this lightly." He cautions.

"I'm not. But what good is my weekly training if I can't apply it to keeping myself safe?" I point out.

"You make a good point. When do you have to go to dinner?"

"I should probably take off soon so I can change my clothes and not be late this time."

"Are you usually late?" He asks.

"By like fifteen minutes at most, but to my dad, early is on time, on time is late, and late is dead"

"That doesn't sound serious at all"

"He's really a kind man" I try to defend him "he's just been under a lot of stress with work, my brother and now he thinks I'm hiding things from him."

"I mean it sounds like you are..."

"He knows you stayed with me for a few days and since we haven't technically started dating, those articles are a lie. He's just being..."

"Over protective? Yeah. You keep saying that. I just hope his grip on you doesn't crush you one day."

I don't have a good come back and just stay silent. I'm trying to keep every safe and happy. It would be so much easier if I could just get my father to see this side of Bakugo. The kind man that made a mistake. A mistake that just happened to kill my mother. I don't know when it happened, but I forgave Bakugo even before I met him. I just didn't realize it until I was pulling him out of the square. Holding onto that kind of anger will rot a person away to only be a shell of anguish and agony. That wasn't the life I wanted to live. It was easier to forgive and move on.

Bakugo politely asks me to rinse off before I go and I oblige. When I'm dressed in my now clean clothes, I kiss him quickly on his lips and wave goodbye after grabbing my helmet. By the time I get back to my apartment, Spencer is already waiting at the building doors. I park and go up to the lobby to greet him.

"Should I take the extra time to change?"

"Either have him angry for you being late or angry for your attire." Spencer gives me a sad smile.

"Let's mix it up and have him mad for a different reason this time." I say, getting into the open door that he holds open for me.

The ride to my family home spikes my anxiety and I regret not changing into dinner attire. The butler is waiting at the door when I walk in and I take off my shoes and jacket before entering the main room. I peak into the lounge first and find it empty. There are two glasses sweating on the side table with partially melted ice, letting me know that my brother and father were here, but abandoned their drinks for some reason.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now