Chapter 10

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"Don't talk about what I'm wearing! I got hot! End of story!" He huffs, turning to flop down on the couch. "Why the hell did your assistant bring bags up here?"

"We'll get to that." I reply.

I pack up the left overs and put them in the fridge, discarding all the empty containers. My tired feet carry me to the couch Bakugo claimed and I lift his legs, sliding under them and placing them on my lap. Putting my head on the back of the couch, I take a deep breath and let it out in a long dramatic side. My eyes close as my thumb makes lazy circles on his bare calf as I think over the day.

"Rough meeting?" Bakugo asks

"Yeah. It was like four times as long as it needed to be." I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling.

"Is there an issue with your book?"

"Not really an issue, just creative differences."

"Care to share?"

"One person wants to change the cover art style and another one wants to put the murderer on the cover."

"And who would that be?"

"The person that did all the killings in the previous books." I look over at him with a sly smile "Being a pro hero, I would think that you would know that"

"I do fucking know that! I was trying to get you to tell me who it was." He crosses his arms over his chest.

"I know you were" I pat his calf before resuming the lazy circles "it was a good try"

"Why is it bad if they change the cover art?"

"It's not bad, I just personally don't like having a series that has one odd cover so I figure there's others like me. I know they're trying to do it for more book sales so people will buy duplicates but it makes me feel bad to do that. I just want people to enjoy my stories. If I could publish it for free and still make a living, I would." I turn my head back to stare at the ceiling.

"Your stories are pretty great. Why shouldn't you get as much profit from people that want to buy a second set for the matching covers?"

"Gasp! Was that a compliment from the great Katsuki Bakugo?!?" I squeeze his leg playfully and go back to rubbing it, digging my fingers in slightly to ease some of the knots I feel in them.

"Don't let it go to your head" my head lulls to the side and I see him with his eyes closed and a soft smile on his relaxed face. He looks beautiful.


"You can, I'm good to just going to bed."

"It's like seven."

"But I heard you tossing and turning all night so I didn't sleep much and your meeting was so long I couldn't nap."

"When I wasn't here would be the perfect time to nap" my eyebrows pull together before they relax in understanding "unless you were worried about me"

"Of course I was... concerned." His ruby eyes pop open, finding my e/c ones instantly. "You were doing me a potentially dangerous favor. If you got hurt, it would have been my fault."

"I offered. You wouldn't be responsible for the consequences of my decisions."

"It would still feel like I was." His shoulders seem to slump with the weight of the world.

"This is going no where. Nothing happened. That's what you should focus on, not the bullshit that could have happened and didn't."

"I guess." He shrugs and closes his eyes.

Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now