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Four years later:

"Ugh. Is it time to go home yet?" I complain for the fifth time in the past thirty minutes.

"We only have one more block to patrol." Bakugo smirks, grabbing my hand as we cross a street. This is our last day of patrol for this blisteringly hot week, and it has ended up being the least favorite part of my 'hero work' right after working out. I'm more in shape now, but I use the constant exercise as an excuse to eat everything and anything within arms reach of me at all times. Bakugo is more than happy to feed me anything I crave, his only condition is that I sit with him and keep him company while he cooks or bakes.

Krishima and I are back on friendly terms and Mitsuki is still blissfully unaware of how close I was to taking her only son away from her. It eats me up to keep it from her, but it's part of the terms of my plea deal, so if I come clean, all this work I've done is for nothing and I go to prison anyway. Bakugo has been very vocal that if that happens, he'll just have to join me and I can't have that added to the already tremendous weight on my conscience.

It turns out I'm pretty good at this hero shit and my quirk has been very helpful in apprehending villains. It also happens that I know more members of gangs than I think, having seen them around my father's estate which has also been useful in identifying people of interest. It has also been interesting seeing old faces of 'family friends' and getting them to talk about the under worldly dealings or just taking them straight to jail. It can be heart breaking at times, but that's why this is a punishment for my crimes and not an extended love fest of just handing out with my boyfriend.

At the beginning of my 'sentence' I tried to keep up with my writing and did manage to get the last book of my unfinished series out, but then Des and Trevor got married and she got pregnant. I didn't want to stress either of the new parents out so I put them on indefinite leave to take care of their growing family and I put my writing on hold. It was weird at first and I have a few vague ideas for new books but for the first time in my career, I don't know what to write about or if anything I have is even worth writing about.

Bakugo and I finish up our patrol and go back to the agency to change and clean up. Friday nights are now reserved for friends and we have a standing stable at the bar where I originally met his group. Gunther is joining us today with his new boyfriend.

Bakugo swore Kirishima to secrecy about my true involvement in his kidnapping so that the rest of the group wouldn't hate me. They knew that my father was under investigation and they know that my father took him, but my involvement was minimized and they only thing that I was there to get him out and I lost my brother in the process. Technically the truth, just a very vague version of it.

I'm clean and sitting on Bakugo's desk, waiting for him to finish up in his private bathroom when he steps out with a towel slung low over his hips, a second towel is over his shoulders as he dries his hair with one end.

"Mmmmm" he hums, taking in my figure slowly as he steps toward me to stand between my thighs. His hands rub the outsides and I finish drying his hair.

This has been our post-patrol ritual since I've started working with him. On very busy days where we both have to fight, it's almost guaranteed that he'll clear the desk and take me on top of it. He's insatiable after combat and he admitted that watching me fight turns him on.

He moves to clear the desk, but I stop him. "We're already late" I whisper as he moves his lips along my neck.

"They'll wait" he says against my skin.

"Kirishima and I are finally getting along. Do you really want to break our truce because we were late so you could fuck me on your desk?"

"Absolutely." He smiles at me like a predator that has his prey in his grips.

"Fuck" I breathe, looking him up and down and feeling immediately hot "make it fast"

"Your wish is my command, princess" he sweeps everything off his desk and pushes my shoulders down.

I grip the edge of the desk and lift my hips as Bakugo takes off my shorts and underwear, tossing them to the side. He bites the inside of my thighs that are now both covered in tattoos. He was upset at first when I got them because he couldn't play with them, but when they healed, he more than made up for lost time.

Bakugo kisses up to my pussy and with one long stroke of his tongue, I'm lost. I try to lift off the desk, but he holds me in place.

"We don't have time for this" I breathe, grabbing his hair and pulling his face up to me.

"I'll make time." He smiles. I rip the towel away from his hips and pull him in closer with my legs.

"Later. I need you in me now"

"So demanding" he teases my entrance with the tip of his cock. With one hard pull of my legs, he's completely sheathed inside of me. I sigh, feeling full and content. "Fuck, y/n" I sit up on one of my elbows and wrap my other arm around his back to move against him.

He picks me up and sits down on the couch without removing himself from me, letting me take control of the pace. I impale myself on him over and over at a punishing pace, balancing between wanting to savor this moment but also rush so we can get out of here. He reaches between us to rub my clit as I move and moments later, I shatter apart around him, but I keep moving until he comes. We stay still for a few minutes, letting our breathing return to normal and just enjoying each other's closeness.

"Now I have to clean up again" I grumble, getting up.

"I'll help"

"Liar" I tease, knowing full well he'll just end up fucking me int he shower if I let him 'help'. After my second shower and re-dressing, we're on our way out the door to meet our friends.

"Have a good weekend!" Jenny, the receptionist calls from her desk as we walk by. Every time we go out for lunch, I always bring something back for her and she has confessed to me that I'm her favorite person and if I ever leave Bakugo, she'll leave her husband. It was a joke, but Bakugo might have blown up her desk in a fit of jealousy. I had to remind him that he's the one tattooed on my body and that I'm not letting go of him.

"You too!" I call over my shoulder with a wave as Bakugo puts a possessive hand on my lower back to usher me out faster.

We have a pleasant evening with our friends and when I yawn, Bakugo carries me out as I mildly protest. He eats me out the second we get home as I'm splayed out on the table. I've come to realize that this is his favorite way to please me. He's seated comfortably in a chair and I'm completely at his mercy on the table unable to go anywhere as he goes to town.

I feel like a limp noodle as I stumble to my office now that I've taken my third shower of the day. Bakugo tried to get me to take a bath, but I know that will lead to more hanky panky and I won't be able to walk tomorrow. Normally, that wouldn't be an issue, but we're hosting his mom for lunch and I have to be able to stand so I can cook.

I sit down at my work table and get out my list of possible story themes. Going on patrol has been great for mystery stories, but I have to be careful not to make it too close to the shit I've seen for the sake of privacy for the victims. A thought not on my list strikes me and I feel the familiar wash of inspiration take hold for the first time in a long time.

"You're actually going to write some more books?" Bakugo asks, hopeful from the doorway as I open my laptop.

"I finally have a story worth writing."

"And what would that be?" He walks over to me and kisses my forehead.

I type the title 'Family First' at the top of the page before looking at him with all the love and happiness that fills my heart just for him.


Family First (Bakugo x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now