chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

"Okay everyone clean up their snacks make sure to throw out all your trash," the teacher said as I sit at my round table with the other kids my legs dangle off the my blue chair we just finished snack time and it's time to play outside after we clean up.

I grab the wrapper of my long-gone almond cookies and walk to the small yellow trash can I toss the wrapper in and I go to sit back down at my seat waiting for further instructions.

I just started at this daycare when my family moved to Busan 3 weeks ago and so far I have no friends I'm usually alone during the day all the kids here already have friends and stay in their groups and during playtime I usually sit next to the teacher watching the kids play as I read my comic book.

"Yoongi you don't want to go play? I'll tell the kids to let you join them if you want" she said I look up from my book she smiled softly at me I look at her then at the kids playing cops and robbers I frown and shake my head.

"No...I'm fine I like sitting with you sun-saeng-nim" I mumbled she hummed and patted my head

"I know it's hard to make friends but you have to put yourself out there sometimes," she said I pouted and nodded.

"I'm scared...they won't like me," I said she smiled and patted my back.

"Nonsense your a wonderful little boy you just have to find things in common maybe share your comic with some I know Jimin likes them he brings them in for show and tells," she said I blink at her

"Jimin?" I said she nodded and pointed at a little boy who I didn't notice until now.

He was sitting under a tree by himself and was playing with those little water games

He was sitting under a tree by himself and was playing with those little water games

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((This is the game I was talking about I loved this))

"That's Jimin you should go show him your comic!" She cheered I looked at her then the boy and frowned.

"I-I don't know..." I mumbled

"Jimin is a sweetie he won't be mean I promise you that go try and if you successful meet me after playtime and I'll sneak you candy," she said I brighten up at hearing candy I huff and stand on my little legs holding my comic to my chest.

"Okay, I'll try," I said she smiled and gave a thumbs up.

I slowly waddled over to the tree where Jimin is sitting I take in a deep breath and speak up.

"H-Hi" I whispered he lifts his head and squints his eyes at me I feel the heat hit my cheeks as we lock eyes because.... jimin is beautiful like a prince or an angel with his fluffy brown hair big round cheeks and warm eyes and my face feels hot.

"Hello?" He said and suddenly I'm more nervous and I don't understand why my heart is beating like crazy.

"U-Uh can I sit w-with you?" I said he blinked at me

"Sure," he said and slide over making room I quickly sit down next to him our knees brushed.

I see him look me up and down once I sit down and I become more nervous and I don't know why

"What's your name? I'm Jimin" he said putting his game down on the grass.

"Y-Yoongi" I whispered he nodded and picked his game back up playing it again.

I suddenly remember why I'm here and look at the Superman comic in my hands.

"D-Do you like Superman?" I said he looked back at me and nodded.

I lifted my comic and his face lit up a smile on his face.

"Woah! Is this the new one!" He said I feel my nervousness die down a little and I nodded.

"Yeah my grandma got it for me," I said he smiled and did a little clap.

"Cool! Can I see?" He said I nodded and handed it to him he took it in his small hands and placed it on his lap and opened it looking at the picture.

"I love comics! But I can't just yet but superhero ones are my favorite" he said I smiled and moved a little closer our shoulders touched.

"I can read," I said he snapped his head to look at me our faces we close I can see his eyelash and I felt my face get warm again.

"You can?" He said I nodded slowly.

"Woah how?" He said

"Uh I don't know my mom taught me it's easy," I said he looked shocked.

"You're awesome! Can you also count?" He said I nodded I see him gentle put down the comic and pick up his water game again.

"Can you count how long it takes me to finish this? I made a bet with my friend hoseok he said it only took him 10 mins and I said I could do it in 5 mins" he said.

"Okay I can do it on my watch," I said and pointed at my Spongebob watch he smiled and it was pretty.

"Awesome ready set go!" He said and started to play I look at my watch timing him I saw his little fingers it the buttons trying to get all the hoops on the pegs.

After 10 mins passed I poked his shoulder he looked up and frowned

"Aish how did Hoseokie do this," he said

"I'm sorry," I said he looked at me smiled and my face gets warm again.

"It's not your fault I just suck at this...can you read me some of the comic?" He asked I nodded and gave a smile back.

"Okay!" I cheered and got the comic to read to Jimin and the rest of playtime when on with me reading to Jimin he was excited about the story I found out his favorite superhero was hulk but soon the teacher rang her bell and we all had to go inside and I noticed Jimin is in another room not in the same as mine I frowned at that.

"See you around, Yoonie" he said and ran into his classroom I huffed and waddled to my room.

My teachers saw me and asked how things went I told her what happened she smiled at gave me a candy bar that was nice

Maybe I'll finally have a friend...


This story was in my drafts I have a lot of story's in my drafts thought I post this one

chapter 1 is done!! :)) I like this story a lot I hope it does well :)

The next chapter will also be when they were in daycare

The next chapter will also be when they were in daycare

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