chapter 52

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Felix POV

"This is so fucking unfair" I mumbled looking at his Instagram because of course, he posted pictures of them together guess they spent the new year together of course how gross.

"This is becoming an obsession" I hear Hyunjin say we are in my room he is in a bean bag chair while I'm on my bed angrily scrolling through Jimin's Instagram.

"No, I'm pissed! I didn't even know Jimin liked Yoongi! They never talked before and now they are happily in love it's so unfair" I spat I'm so upset and heartbroken and humiliated.

"You guys never even dated just hooked up sometimes," he said looking through a magazine.

"But...I really loved him and he was my first" I whispered "He didn't even end things with me properly just ghosted me" I added

I hear hyunjin sigh loud "I know you tell me all the time," he said I looked back at his Instagram.

"Why Yoongi...why does everyone fucking like him! I'm way prettier we basically look the same" I huffed

"I wonder why Jimin went after you..." I hear Hyunjin say

"Shut up! You're supposed to be on my side" I said standing up.

"I am I'm here aren't I?" He said

"I have to do something I can't let this continue they aren't right for each other... Jimin and I were good together he kissed me like I meant something to him you can't lie about those feelings" I said

"They seem like they are really in love," he said I glared at him.

"Again you're supposed to be on my side" I spat

"Fine fine what are you gonna do? You got your thinking face on" he said I smiled and sat on the bean bag next to him.

"I've got a plan, my dear friend we're gonna make those two hate each other," I said the evil smile on my face.

"Don't smile like that! It scares me" he said I chuckled and push the magazine out of his lap and laid my head there and stared up at him.

"You're my best friend," I said his cheek got a little pink and pushed me off onto the floor.

"Go away," he said I chuckled

"Your friends with Ji-sung right?" I said from the floor he looked at me and nodded.

"Good first part of the plan we also need Jeong-in," I said

"Don't get another's involved in this" he said I stood up again.

"I'm not they are our friends," I said

"Ugh this won't go well I know it," he said

-a a few days later back in school-

Jimin's POV

I get to my locker it's morning time and the first day back since Christmas break and I didn't get to pick Yoongi up since he got a car for Christmas and was excited to drive to school for the first time so we planned to meet by my locker.

I put my books away when I hear a soft voice "Jiminie" I hear and see a mop of brown hair run towards me and jump into my arms.

I immediately wrap my arms around him and buried my nose in his hair his mullet looks adorable and he smells like lavender and honey.

"Morning lover," he said once he pulled back I smiled at him his outfit it's cute like always he got a lot of new clothes and he is also wearing the necklaces around his neck I smile at them.

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