chapter 29

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Yoongi POV

I knock three times on the door of the apartment it's Saturday morning around 10:00 am I decided to come by his apartment since yesterday he didn't come to school and he won't answer my text or calls and my anxiety is spiking each hour.

The door swings open and there stands a small woman with short hair and the same smile he as.

"Hi, Mrs.Park Good morning," I said and smiled at her.

"Yoongi honey hi good morning," she said wiping her hands on her apron.

"Hi, I come bearing gifts!" I said she chuckled I have hers and Jimin gifts in my hands.

"Oh, how sweet!" She cheered

"Yes, I was at the store and saw these tulips and thought I get them for you aren't they pretty!" I said and handed them to her.

"Wow there gorgeous aren't you sweet my son is so lucky," she said I blushed a bit.

"Speaking of him is he home? He wasn't at school yesterday" I said she smiled and held the flowers

"Yes that boy has been grumpy for two days now maybe your cute face can cheer him up," she said I nodded slowly "Oh come in honey are you hungry I made omelets" she added

I shook my head "no thank you" I said

"Okay Jimin is in his room go on I'll put these in water maybe you can get him to eat his breakfast," she said I nodded and move to walk toward his room.

I knock on his door

"Mom I said I'm not hungry for an omelet" I hear his soft voice my heart fluttered.

I knock again this time the door swings open "mom I said- Oh" he said blinking at me I've never seen him like this his hair messy and in a white tank top I can see his arm muscles and baggy grey sweats

Oh wow...why is he is hot

"Hi" I whispered with a small smile holding his gift behind my back.

"What are you doing here?" He said I frowned I stood in the hallway while he was standing in his doorway.

"I-I wanted to see you because you weren't at school yesterday and you weren't answering my calls or text..." I said "And I got worried about you I thought you were I came here to check on you" I added.

"I'm fine just decided to skip a day and I told you I need a little time to clear my head," he said I frowned

"I know...but I don't like where we left off the other day and I thought we should talk about it cause in a relationship communication is key," I said he sighed he leaned against the door

Then I remember the gift I got him "Oh also I got you this!" I said and gave a little smile then pulled out the little duck plushie I got him I wiggled it in front of him.

Then I remember the gift I got him "Oh also I got you this!" I said and gave a little smile then pulled out the little duck plushie I got him I wiggled it in front of him

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