chapter 40

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Yoongi POV

"Ow! Fuck" I hissed as I fluttered my eyes open my head is pounding loud and it hurts like a bitch plus Jin's guest room is bright the sun shining inside I groan and use a pillow to cover my face with a pillow.

"Fucking sun" I mumbled

This is what I get for drinking straight out of the bottle my mouth tastes horrible and I'm basically naked only in my boxers the sheets pooling around me I search for my phone but I can't find it.

I groan and sit up dealing with the bright sun I rub my eyes and face I look around the room for my phone but my eyes sting so give up.

Soon I hear the door open and in comes Seokjin with a tray "Hello!" He yelled and I hissed because he is too damn loud.

"Please stop yelling feels like I got beat up by the hulk" I whispered he chuckled and place the tray on my lap it's a bowl of hangover soup a glass of water and pain killers I grab the bottle of pills and pop them then drink the water the whole glass.

"So how you feeling?" He asked I handed him the glass

"Like shit," I said

"You also look like shit," he said I groaned and ate my soup it's taste good and make my stomach feel better.

"Honestly tell me how bad was I?" I asked "Because I don't remember shit," I said and that's the truth I don't remember anything past the DJ getting here.

"Well that makes sense you drank a whole bottle of patron and ate two bags of chips," he said I sigh and rub my temples.

"Ugh everything is so fuzzy in my brain," I said still eating my soup.

"Well I didn't see you for most of the night I was with Joon or making sure people didn't steal my shit or puke in my yard," Jin said

"Ok so you can you tell me why I'm half-naked," I asked

"Well after you had two slices of cake you ran back upstairs so I followed you and you threw up on your clothes so I took them off and I put them in the washer and when I got back you were passed out so I left you like that,"  he said

"Aish! I feel like something big happened but I can't remember it's all a blur" I huffed finishing my soup.

"Well it's good you can't remember because Joon did show up with all his friends...that's included Jimin and that girl.." he said my eyes widen.

"T-They showed up together?"  I asked he nodded

I laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes I feel like something happened but I can't remember last night it's not clear.

" least you didn't run into him last night who knows what would have happened if you did," he said

"Why is my life a mess?" I whispered

"Aw, it's not that bad what's on your neck?" He whispered I blink at him.

"What?" I said

"You have hickeys on your neck who did you hook up with Yoonie"  he smirked my eyes widen and I sit up and run to the bathroom in the room.

I look in the mirror and holy shit! He is right I have three hickeys on my neck and collarbone so I start to lose my shit!!

"AH! WHAT THE FUCK WHO LEFT THESE" I yelled and ran back out to Jin he just shrugged.

"I saw them last night but you were too out of it to answer tell me who it was! You have only ever kissed Jimin so you letting someone else give you hickeys is a big deal" he said I pull at my hair.

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