chapter 15

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Yoongi POV

I walk into the school my dad dropped me off today so I didn't have to walk so that's already a great start to today and I feel like I'm walking in sunshine the weather is beautiful today it's late fall so the weather isn't too cold some days.

Once I walk through the doors I head to my locker not really paying attention until I'm suddenly pulled into an empty room so fast and the next thing I know I'm sitting on a desk a person in front of me and I pull out my pepper spray about to go beast mode when I see him.

"Jimin! Oh my god, I was about to pepper spray you!" I said he stood in between my legs as I sat on a desk.

He took the pepper spray away "I didn't mean to scare you baby" he said I relax and blush at the nickname.

"It's fine Minnie" I hummed and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer his hands on my thighs "I missed you" I whispered he smiled

"You did?" He whispered back I nodded he looked me up and down "You look really good right now"
He said voice deep and I feel heat fill up my body.

"You did?" He whispered back I nodded he looked me up and down "You look really good right now"He said voice deep and I feel heat fill up my body

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"T-Thank you," I said eyes wide nervous about where this is leading.

He smiled more well more liked smirk seeing how red my face was then he lifted his hand and pulled down my turtleneck a bit and kissed my neck softly I gasped and swung back away from him.

"Can I kiss you because shit you smell so damn good" he whispered his face so close to mine my heart is beating so fast and loud I think he can hear it as I just look at him with wide eyes and push him away to calm my heart down.

"S-Stop teasing me" I huffed patting my face.

He laughed and brushed my bangs out of my face "I'm sorry baby got carried away" he said I frowned and pulled him closer again back in between my thighs.

"No no shit I'm sorry I'm still so nervous I do wanna kiss you I really do," I said he chuckled and kissed my hands.

"I'll wait however long for you," he said I blushed but smiled shyly

"You're so romantic you know that?" I said

"I'm trying to sweep you off your feet sweet cheeks," he said I pinch his side he yelped. "Ow!" He added

"Told you not to call me that," I said

"Your kinda mean" he pouted I smiled and pushed him back a little and hopped down I grabbed his hand and interlock our fingers.

"I'm sorry darling," I said and leaned a little closer  "Walk me to class?" I said batting my eyelashes at him he huffed.

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