chapter 43

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Yoongi POV

"Can you guys cut it out already I'm trying to eat my sandwich!" I hear Jin say but I honestly can't focus on anything besides Jimin's lips on mine.

"You made us all sit here today but all you two have done is suck each other's faces," Namjoon said I continue to ignore them because Jimin is kissing me so deeply.

"Please stop I'm gonna get turned on," Hoseok said

"Hyung my innocence eyes!" Jungkook added I finally pull away catching my breath and turn my gaze to the 5 friends looking at us.

I feel Jimin leave kisses on my neck as I speak to our friends "y'all could ignore us" I said Jimin doesn't stop his attack on my neck.

"How can we ignore you when your literally moaning," Jin said and Jimin and I are right next to each other sitting down so I can feel his hand going up my thigh.

"I wasn't moaning!" I said embarrassed

"You we're baby," Jimin said softly then slides his hand up my thigh and it grazes my member as he kissed my neck.

"Jimin! Watch your hand-" I said but was cut off when he crashed his lips into mine he kisses me like I'm his last meal and I totally forgot about everything around me and kissed back.

"Ah I see Jimin is horny," Taehyung said then dug through his lunch box.

"Yoongi isn't that innocent," Jin said I pull the hair on the back of Jimin's neck he groans and licked into my mouth.

"Hey, Jimin look over here!" I hear Taehyung say so Jimin pulls back turns to look at Taehyung and that's when Tae shove a spoon full of minced garlic into Jimin's mouth.

We snap our heads towards him when Jimin starts coughing and spitting out the garlic onto his lunch tray.

We all scrunch up our noses "Yah!! What the hell Tae!!" He hissed

"There now you can't kiss yoongi," Tae said and the garlic smells around is so gross.

Jimin POV

"Why do you have garlic in your lunch box!" I said my mouth taste like shit he shoved so much in my mouth it caught me off guard.

"Because all week you two have been making out during lunch and now Yoongi won't want to kiss you for a while," Taehyung said I rolled my eyes and drink some water.

"Whatever that was unnecessary and Yoongi will want to kiss me no matter what right baby?" I said then turn towards yoongi where he was sitting next to me only for him be to gone I blink at the empty seat.

I look up and see Yoongi on hoseok lap "Yoongi what the hell?" I said

"Sorry baby I love you but I hate the smell of garlic," he said Hobi had his up like he was showing me he wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Get off his lap!" I spat

"He just rushed over here Jimin," hoseok said I glare at them both.

"It's comfy tho" he added I scoffed

"I feel betrayed...I was just enjoying being able to kiss and hold my boyfriend in public..." I pouted drinking more water soon I feel a weight on my lap I look up and see my boyfriend pinching his nose looking at me.

"Sorry love I promise when you brush your teeth I'll kiss you," he said his voice a bit funny since he is pinching his nose I chuckled.

"You're so cute," I said getting lost in his eyes he smiled back.

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