chapter 60

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Jimin POV

"Did he do it?" I asked Hyunjin the next day on Friday it's lunchtime and Felix today was supposed to confess to everything and willing to take his punishment which I think won't be that bad maybe a few days suspension that's all.

"Yeah he did it this morning" he replied

"What happened?" I asked we were outside my car.

"I don't know but he texted me saying he will be out in a bit he was in the office all day," he said

"So you gonna confess to him now?" I said he shook his head up.

"N-No I definitely can't now his heart needs to heal and I'll just be there as a friend..." he said

"I think you should just do it let him know your feelings so he can finally consider your feelings and maybe things will work out," I said he sighed.

"I'm nervous as shit," he said I was about to answer when a body hit Hyunjin's hugging him I blink at him then realized it was Felix.

"Shit that was stressful I wanna cry," Felix said hugging Hyunjin and Hyunjin just had wide eyes "And it's cold has fuck hold me back" he huffed

"O-Okay" Hyunjin said and wrapped his arms around Felix.

"So??" I said

"Your all set I mean I was suspended for a few days but the school called Yoongi and his parents and told them it was me and so I explained I was a jealous bitch and that everything was fake and that I was responsible for everything so are you off the hook,"  he said

"Your not upset?" Hyunjin asked

"Not really...I'm guilty I deserve it and I apologize to Yoongi he wasn't happy he like mumbled a bunch of angry stuff and his voice disappeared off the phone" he said still hugging Hyunjin and poor Hyunjin has blush on his face.

"I'm proud of you Felix" Hyunjin whispered patting his head."Your growing up," he said earning a nipple pinch from Felix which caused him to yelp.

Suddenly a red car pulls up next to us so fast almost hitting us we all blink at it then the car door opens up and I see him... with his messy brown hair so my heartbeat speeds up he closed the door and makes a beeline for me then just cups both my cheeks and kisses me right on the lips I'm shocked eyes wide but I soon close my eyes and kiss him back he pushes his body on mine as I hold his hips.

Oh, how I have missed his lips the taste of them and the smell of him the kiss is soft and warm he tastes like tangerines.

He pulls back and is still holding my face he has tears in his eyes I hold his waist and pull him closer.

"What's wrong baby?" I said he pouted and gently touched my face with his fingertips.

"I'm s-sorry Jimin shit I'm i-idiot I trust you okay I trust you" he cried I wiped his tears.

"Hey don't cry it's okay" I whispered

"No it's not okay I should have known you would have never done that your a god damn angel park Jimin and I'm sorry for not believing you when you said you didn't do it," he said

The bell rang signaling lunch is over and I look around not even noticing Hyunjin and Felix left

"I have to go..." I whispered he frowned

"O-Okay can you come over after school please so we can talk?" He said arms still around my neck.

"I'm grounded and your parents are like mad at me..." I whispered

"Then I'll come to your apartment please Jimin," he said I nodded he smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you! Okay get to class" he said letting go but I grabbed his arm pull him to my chest and capture his lips on mine again he immediately kissed me back he then pulled back with a smile.

"I missed you," I said he smiled even bigger

"I missed you so much I'm sorry," he said I shook my head and cupped his face I kissed his nose.

"We'll talk later okay my place at 3?" I said he nodded.

"Drive safe baby," I said he nodded again I let go and turned on my heels to run into the school I turned back around to wave he waved back before I got into the doors.

-after school-

I'm walking to my car with Hoseok and Taehyung I told them what happened with Yoongi

"He just drove up in the middle of lunch and kissed you," Taehyung said

"Yeah...really shocked me I thought I would have to beg him to talk to me again," I said

"Wow kinda romantic well I'm glad you were so mopey that last few days," Hoseok said

"Yeah, he wants to talk...wait! What if he wants to break up with me!!" I said panicked

"Chill chill he wouldn't have driven from his house all the way here to kiss you if he wanted to break up dummy," Taehyung said

"Ugh I'm nervous he didn't say he loved me when he saw me...what if the love is gone" whispered

"Yah! Stop overthinking it everything will be fine he wants to talk things out that's what you wanted right so go home put on your big boy pants and get your man back" Taehyung said then look at Hoseok "You guys have a special kind of love so fight for it...I'd love for the boy I like to grab me and kiss me" he said with a sigh.

"Okay I will...and that guy is stupid he should just grab you and kiss you," I said Hoseok scoffed

"I gotta go home see you guys later good luck Jimin," Hoseok said and stomp off and Taehyung and I arrived at my car he leaned on it and rub his face.

"Can I tell you something" he said

"Sure Tae," I said

"Hoseok...he kissed me" he whispered my eyes widen.

"No way! When??" I said

"Ugh at Seokjin birthday party he was drunk and we were on the front porch talking and got close because it was cold then he grabs my chin and kissed me we made out for like 5 minutes then he pulled away to puke in the yard," he said I'm shocked.

"Oh wow...damn did you guys talk about it the next day??" I said he shook his head

"No he doesn't remember he was really drunk...and it's been bugging me" he whispered

"Shit well you should talk to him because Hoseok is like me he overthinks everything so talk to him he is probably scared,"  I said he got off my car and patted my shoulder.

"Good luck Park," he said

"Good luck Kim," I said we hugged and went separate ways.

I got in my car and drove to my apartment mentally preparing myself for whatever happens with Yoongi.


Got some mojo to continue writing!!!

Also, Butter comes out soon and I order the vinyl so I'm pumped!!!

Also, we might get a comeback vlive and I miss tannies

Also, we might get a comeback vlive and I miss tannies

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