chapter 2

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Yoongi POV

It's been two weeks since I meet Jimin and even though I'm shy I tried my best to keep talking to him. We only meet up three more times after the first time the second time was the next day during playtime I went outside looking for Jimin I spot him playing on the swings with his friends. I walked over them and Jimin smiled at me and asked me to push him which I did then we switched and he pushes me then he introduced me to his tall friends Namjoon who is 6 and Hoseok they gave me weird looks and whispered something to Jimin but Jimin glared at his friend and said no after that all four of us played hide and seek once they found out I count really high so I was permitted seeker when we played I didn't mind I was having fun.

The next time we saw each other was a few days later always during playtime this time  I waited for him to be alone and thankfully Jimin was alone by the trees again that day playing with a yo-yo which was lucky for me cause I brought a hulk comic for us to read. I approached him he gave me that beautiful smile which of course made me flush all over my face we sat together and I read him the comic he was very excited the whole time and  at the end of playtime I let him kept the comic book it was limited edition at least that's what my dad said but I don't care the smile on Jimin's face was worth getting scolding by him later that day.

We saw each other again on a Friday it was hot that day and the teacher gave us popsicles and let us eat them outside I was excited because I love popsicles and I could see Jimin again since it was raining for a few days and we wouldn't go outside I walked outside my popsicles still in the wrapper I scanned the playground looking for Jimin I spotted him under the tube slide like he was hiding under there I walked up to him and noticed he was crying and so I panicked I moved to sit in front of him and tapped his elbow.

He slowly looked up tears in his eyes I frowned

"Jimin? Are you okay" I said he sniffled and wiped his nose.

"N-No" he whispered

"What's wrong?" I asked softly

"It's s-stupid," he said

"You can tell me I won't judge you," I said he huffed

"I t-tripped coming o-outside and dropped my popsicle into mud puddle..and my teacher said there all I can't have one" he said crying softly into his knees I frowned and looked at my wrapper popsicle in my hand I tapped his knee so he looked at me and handed him mine he blinked at me.

"Here you can have mine I don't even like popsicles here it's melon flavor," I said he wiped his eyes.

"Really?" He whispered I smiled and nodded

"Yes, you have it," I said he gave me a small smile and took it.

"T-Thank you," he said then reached in his pocket and took out a bracelet it wasn't anything special just a red string with a J letter bead and a few another beads. "Here I made this today so now we're even" he added I flushed my cheeks pink.

"O-Oh thank you J-Jimin," I said he smiled and put the bracelet on my wrist and my heart was going crazy and I don't know why...the feelings I'm experiencing are strange to me.

I went home that day super happy feeling bubbly all over so excited I might have an actual friend and a beautiful one and I got so excited I told my whole family about Jimin they were happy for me I kept looking at the red string bracelet feeling a weird flutter in my stomach thinking about the boy who gave it to me so I decided to ask my mom about it about the weird feelings.

"Eomma?" I said walking into the living room where she sat reading a book she looked up from her book glasses on her nose.

"Yes, sweetie?" She said I moved and sit next to her.

"I have a question," I said I decide to ask my mom about it since she is a doctor.

"Okay what's is it?" She said closing her book I huffed and look at the bracelet again.

"My tummy hurts," I said she sat up and touched my belly rubbing it.

"It does? Did you eat something bad?" She asked I shook my head.

" tummy hurts when...I think about my friend Jimin and my heart starts beating fast when I'm around him or when he I dying? Or am I allergic to him?" I said she smiled and chuckled a little she pulled me on her lap playing with my hair.

"No honey your not sick or allergic to Jimin," she said I frowned

"Then what's wrong can you give me medicine?" I said she laughed again.

"Sadly there is no medicine for this little one," she said

"Then what's wrong?" I asked

" just really like your friend and being around him makes your body feel happy you get flutters in your stomach they call them butterflies and your heart speeds up because you're excited to see him," she said my eyes widen.

"Butterflies are in my tummy!" I said panicked she laughed and hugged me.

"No silly it just a saying it only means you like your friend do you like him?" She said I feel my face get warm.

"I do...I like him he is so nice and kind to me and he is pretty like a prince I wanna hold his hand and play with him" I whispered she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"That's okay Yoonie why don't you tell jimin this maybe he can come over for a play date?" She said I get excited at having Jimin over we could play with all my toys.

"Okay! I'll tell him and make him a gift!" I said

"Sounds like plan want help?" She said I shook my head

"No, I wanna do it myself to impress him thank you Eomma!" I said and dashed away.

On Sunday I spent all day making Jimin's gift even asked my dad to take me to the florist so I could pick out the flowers myself I decided on making Jimin a flower crown so can really become a prince.

It took me 2 hours to make but now it's perfect I used blue flowers

It took me 2 hours to make but now it's perfect I used blue flowers

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Now I wait until Monday


Chapter two is done, babies :)

The next chapter is still when they are 5 years old but it's the last one before we see middle school Jimin and Yoongi 😊

The next chapter is still when they are 5 years old but it's the last one before we see middle school Jimin and Yoongi 😊

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