chapter 11

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Yoongi POV

After I got out of Jimin's car I dash away I unlocked my door and went inside I slipped off my shoes and headed to my room upstairs I pass my mom on the way to the stairs.

"Yoongi hun, your back did you have fun?" She said as I started to go up the stairs.

"Yeah eomma it was great but I'm sleepy goodnight!" I said and rushed into my room.

I whined and plopped on my bed face first I let out a loud sigh then flipped on my back and kicked my legs in the frustration and sadness but I'm pissed mostly at myself.

I reached in my pocket and pulled at my phone I searched for a contact and clicked call it ringed four times until she answered.


"I'm an idiot please came here and smack me for being so stupid!"

"I mean that sounds fun but wanna tell what happened first before we chose violence?"

"I told myself so many fucking times not to fall but yet I did..."

"I can't read your context clues here yoon"

"You know how I was going to a concert to see that guy..."

"Yeah the hot older one"

"Well...things didn't turn how I planned"

"Wait let me get comfortable...okay go"

"Well I went to the concert and it was fun until Jae turned out to be kinda of a jerk then Jin ditched me to meet his secret Jimin offered to take me home and I agreed then he took me to watch planes take off and it was so beautiful and romantic and we had a moment like a moment like the kind you think only exist in the movies and I realize...holy shit I like this guy I really like him and my heart wanted to tell him that and I almost fucking confess to him"

"Shit did you just rap all that you spoke so fast is almost couldn't keep up"

"Lisa!! I'm falling apart!!"

"Okay okay I'm listening"

"I almost confess to him!! I was just so lost in his beautiful face! UGH!"

"Why didn't you just confess?"

"I can't do that I mean last time I tried it turned out horrible"

"Why would it be so horrible? He took you on a date"

"NO! It wasn't a date..and it would be horrible because Jimin is straight..."

"What? How??"

"What do you mean How?? He's straight"

"I mean how do you know that?? Did he tell you have you seen him with girls?"

"Jungkook told me he was straight said he always has summer flings with girls I also saw Jimin kiss a girl in the fifth grade"

"Oh...damn well.."

"Yeah falling in love with a straight guy is just asking for heartbreak...and I'm an idiot cause I let it happen"

"I'm sorry yoonie...I'll kick his ass if you want"

"No it's my fault he kept saying let's be friends I wanna be friends...I can do that be friends how hard could it be?"

"Well I'm here if you need me cuz I love you"

"Thanks get some sleep little cuz I talk to you later"

"Bye-bye don't get your heartbroken stay strong don't fall for beautiful faces"

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