chapter 33

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Jimin POV ~few days later~

It's Wednesday it's actually early in the morning and sadly I didn't pick up Yoongi today because his mom wanted to drive him to school and I couldn't argue with that.

I made sure to get to school at the time yoongi said he would be here because I still wanna see him for a bit get my morning kiss see his cute smile so I make my way through the hallway with a flower I got on the way to school nothing to grand just a single sunflower because he likes yellow.

I turn the corner which is the hallway that leads to Yoongi but as I do I see a huge crowd gathered where exactly Yoongi's locker is it confused me a bit but I keep walking and push my way though the crowd which is surprising a lot of students I made my way to the front and my eyes widen and I feel my heart drop.

I see Yoongi standing in front of his locker Jungkook next to him and in front of him is...Cha Eunwoo dressed in a fancy suit standing tall with a huge bouquet of flowers in hands and red heart balloons around him a grand confession I'm guessing my heart is thumping loud and hard against my chest it kinda hurts.

Cha Eunwoo dressed in a fancy suit standing tall with a huge bouquet of flowers in hands and red heart balloons around him a grand confession I'm guessing my heart is thumping loud and hard against my chest it kinda hurts

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I don't know what he said before I got here but I hear the important part

"Min Yoongi please go on a date with me?" Eunwoo said and curse this guy he has only gotten more handsome since middle school and taller! He is the most popular boy in school up there with Jin and Yoongi he is always male lead in all the plays he has a nice voice and is rich.

And even worse he has a big crush on Yoongi and confess every year to him and I try to hate him but he is so charming and nice.

My thought are interrupted but loud chants of...






All the people around me chant those things it's loud causing my ears to ring and my heart to drum I look at Yoongi his eyes are wide hands gripping tight on his books in his arms.

"What do you say? Yoongi you told me to do this" Eunwoo said


The chants get louder hands clapping I just look at Yoongi'a face praying he won't break me right now

"Come on hyung! Just say yes!" Jungkook said pushing Yoongi towards Eunwoo.

"Uh..Y-Yes" he whispered and there it is...the heart break.

I then see Eunwoo smile and pick Yoongi up and spin him around and place a kiss right on his lips my eyes widen.

It was like a shattered like a hammer on glass and Yoongi had the hammer he broke me.

words hurt  -yoonmin- Where stories live. Discover now