chapter 23

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Jimin POV

It's now been about 5 weeks since we start dating it's now mid-November our relationship is going great I pick him up every day for school we eat breakfast in my car and sometimes share sweet kisses before class begins and during the school day we don't talk we share smiles and waves but that's it and I don't like it.

I wanna hold his hand in the hallway and kiss him at his locker and sit with him at lunch to let everyone know Min Yoongi is my boyfriend.

But he is not ready for that so I don't push it that much

It's Friday in between classes I'm walking to my math class when I see him so I step into the bathroom and wait for him to pass before I grab his arm and pull him into the bathroom and push him against the door he yelped but realize it was me and calmed down but glared at me.

"Yah! Park Jimin stop doing that! Makes me think I'm about to get murdered each time!" He said I sigh and place my hands on each side of his head trapping him in between my arms.

"I'm sorry I saw you about to walk by and I just miss you no one is in the bathroom right now," I said he smiled and held my cheek softly.

"I miss you too I know it's tough," he said I huff and bury my head in his neck he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed the side of my head.

"You okay," he asked I pulled back and look at his face.

"I don't like this," I said he frowned

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I don't like hiding... I hate that I can't even approach you in the hallway I hate that I can't let everyone know you mine and I'm yours" I said he ran his thumb across my cheekbone.

"I don't like it either but I'm just not ready for all that attention I like it just being us," he said I nodded and check his watch we have about two minutes until class starts.

"We have about 2 minutes until the warming bell rings" I whispered

"Mhm we should get to class then," he said I move one hand and trace his pink lips with my thumb.

"Or we could kiss for those minutes" I whispered he smiled and rubbed our noses together.

"Why would I wanna make out in a bathroom?" He said

"Because I'm such a good kisser and you love me," I said he chuckled

"Okay true but only if you take me on another date because we've only been on one," he said I look at him tilting my head.

"What? We have been on tons of dates" I said because we hang out all the time either after school or during the weekends at his place since his parents are gone.

"No I want another romantic date like the first one," he said with a grin I huffed but nodded can't say no to him.

"Deal I'll pick you up tomorrow now we have one minute," I said he smiled and pressed his lips into mine I immediately kissed backhands on his waist pushing him into the door he was leaning against it his hands in my hair as our lips move in sync in fast movements I feel greedy today trying to get enough of him as I can biting his bottom lip.

But a second later we hear a knock on the door I pull back "Go away" I said and then Yoongi pulled me back towards his lips kissing me again.

"Jimin?" I hear I pull back blinking at the door.

"Tae?" I said Yoongi and I both move from the door and open it slightly and I see Taehyung standing there.

"What are you doing open the door," he said

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