chapter 61

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Jimin POV

I hear a knock on the door so I rush to open it I swing the door open then I see him he must have changed his clothes his hair is not messy and he is in his regular clothes because when he showed up at school he was in pajamas.

I hear a knock on the door so I rush to open it I swing the door open then I see him he must have changed his clothes his hair is not messy and he is in his regular clothes because when he showed up at school he was in pajamas

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We lock eyes when I open the door his cheeks are a bit pink his hands in front of him fiddling with his sleeves.

"Hey..." he whispered I smiled at him

"Hey come in," I said he nodded and walked in I close the door behind him and we went to the living room he sat down and was looking at the ground I signed and sat next to him I put my hand on his thigh looks at me.

"I'm sorry Yoongi," I said he frowned

"For what? I should be sorry I yelled at you and blamed you for something you didn't do I doubted our whole relationship off shit my parents were telling me I treasured all the moments we had together and I don't think we moved too fast because my heart always just screams for you" he said I smiled at him and pick up his legs to swing them over my mine like he always sits then I grab his hands and kiss them he blushed.

"It's okay you had the right to be upset and I'm a bad boyfriend I made you feel that way I...I shouldn't have taken those videos or asked for pictures and I definitely should have taken you out on more dates I'm an asshole and your a prize I'm so sorry baby I'll take you on hundreds of dates and send you cute text and bring you flowers and hold your hand just please hold it back" I said he cupped one of my cheeks.

"Are you crazy? You're an amazing boyfriend Jimin and we got things to work on but let's do it together I don't wanna break up I wanna be with you that's all I want is to be with you to hold your hand back and I'll bring you flowers and text you cute things as well because a relationship is a two-way street" he said I smiled at him and kissed his cheeks palm that was on my face.

"Thank you and I deleted all the photos and videos this will never happen again I'm so sorry and we can take things slow if that what you want now," I said

"Yeah... I just wanna existed with you" he said then look deep into my eyes "Jimin?" He whispered

I push hair behind his ear "Yes baby?" I said

"Can we still go to the dance?" He asked I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Of course I did ask you," I said he smiled real big and hugged me.

"Yoongi?" I said he pulled back

"Yes?" He said

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