chapter 59

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Jimin POV

"Are you kidding me!!" I spat my blood is boiling "What's wrong with you two!!" I said

"In my defense, it was all him," he said I scoffed loud

"You didn't try to stop him!?" I said he shrugged

"He is very stubborn," he said I pulled at my hair

"I'm gonna beat his ass I saw him today and he said nothing oh my god!" I spat balling my fist.

"No no! Don't and it's lowkey your fault" he said I blink at him.

"Excuse me??" I said

"Felix loves you" He mumbled I scoffed and gave a bitter chuckle.

"Like I give a shit!" I spat Hyunjin glared at me.

"You bastard you know how lucky you are that Lee Felix loves you and you treated him like an old dishrag tossed him away after a few uses and it hurt him he cried! He was so upset!" He yelled I let the words sink in than feel like shit then I realized what's happening.

"Oh..shit do you?" I whispered pointing at him.

"Yes since middle school...and I hate you but my mama raised me right so I'm trying to fix shit," he said

"Damn dude...I'm sorry" I said

"It's whatever but me and you were are gonna fix this shit all of it this is gonna have a happy ending," he said I crossed my arms.

"How exactly?? Yoongi won't talk to me and my mom is pissed at me and his parents hate me now" I said he rolled his eyes and poked my shoulder.

"Stop whining and listen to me," he said I huffed.

"First you need to talk to Felix rejected him nicely tell him you're sorry and then he will apologize as well because my friend is a good one he just loves too much," he said

"He is an evil mastermind to plan all this" I mumbled

"Anyways after that, we delete the videos from the internet completely poof gone," he said

"How will we do that?" I said 

"Come out!" He yelled I blink at him but soon a young boy maybe 16 comes around the corner he has headphones around his neck Hyunjin pats his back "This I.N he is my neighbor and a hacker he made the video of you and hacked into the school system to post the video for Felix" he said I feel anger in me I was about to punch him when Hyunjin stopped me.

"Yah! No more violence and don't hit a kid he is sorry" Hyunjin said

"Yeah I'm sorry but Felix gave me a $100 Amazon gift card soo..." the boy said I wanted to really hit him.

"Anyways!! He will erase the video then I'll get Felix to confess to the whole thing he will get his punishment then everyone will know you didn't do shit then you go after your man and live happily ever after" he said

"How do you all this will work?" I asked

"It has to right? We gotta try"  he whispered

"Fine fuck it" I huffed

-a few hours later-

I stay at school with Hyunjin and I.N for a bit watching the boy type fast on his computer and did some high-tech shit on his computer and boom! The video was banned from the internet so the first part of the plan was done and I was amazed at the skill of this blue-haired child.

Now part two of the plan is in action because I know where Felix lives it's a nice house because we used to hookup there the past of course

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