chapter 55

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Yoongi POV

"Why do you always make me do illegal shit?" I whispered it's Saturday and it's also 10 pm and Jimin is trying to break into an indoor pool.

"It's not illegal it's just closed," he said as we walk towards the pool house.

"Why are we going to a pool in the middle of January," I said he just pulled my arm "I just wanted to cuddle and use your HBO Max" I whined he smiled at me.

"Though it would be fun I like swimming and a plus because I get to see your cute nipples," he said I pouted we reach the pool house he used the key card to unlock the door.

"My nipples aren't cute" I mumbled he laughed and ignored me.

"It's a heated pool and it's closed so no one will bother us," he said and we both stepped into the pool house it was steamy and warm also smelled like chlorine he closes the door behind us the lights were off just the pool lights are on.

"It's a heated pool and it's closed so no one will bother us," he said and we both stepped into the pool house it was steamy and warm also smelled like chlorine he closes the door behind us the lights were off just the pool lights are on

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"Oh darn I didn't bring a swimsuit guess we gotta go," I said

"We don't need swimsuits," he said and took off his shirt and I wasn't expecting that so I blushed and looked away I hear him chuckle and grab my chin to look at him "Why you getting so shy now baby" he whispered.

"I-I don't like water" I whispered "Or swimming" I added he frowned he played with the hem of my sweater.

"Please baby it will be fun don't you trust me" he whispered I looked into his eyes and nodded.

"Okay I trust you...but the water better be heated or I'll pinch your nipple," I said he smiled real big and kissed my cheek.

"It is heated I got you, baby," he said and winked I rolled my eyes and took off my sweater I threw it on the chair I was wearing a white sweater and blue jeans I also had a black choker on.

I see him take off his sweatpants now he is just in his boxers I gulped I've seen him naked a bunch of times but those are in the heat of the moment I just feel shy right now.

"Are you coming?" he said fingers on the hoop of my jeans I nodded and went to take off my choker but he stopped me "No leave it" he whispered hands on my neck "I like it?" he said kissed my neck softly I feel him move his hands to my button on my pants and undo it then he pulled down the zipper while he kissed my neck.

"J-Jimin" I whispered he chuckled and pulled away my heart is drumming like crazy.

He just jumps in the pool making a big splash some water got on my pants he comes up from the water pushing his hair back water dripping from his wet blonde locks and I curse him in my brain because he looks so hot.

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