chapter 12

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Yoongi POV

It's been a strange few days and by strange I mean I think Jimin is avoiding me because I haven't seen him in days the last time I saw him was on Monday when he dashed out of the cafeteria and each time I go looking for him he is nowhere to be found and he won't answer my text I don't know what I did wrong his friends said he was stressed about school so I didn't go looking for him but now it's Friday and I miss him...

It's lunchtime again so I decided to look for him again and after batting my eyelashes at Hoseok I got the information that Jimin is in the library studying hearing that made me giddy to see his beautiful face

I first went to the bathroom to check that I didn't look like a mess I fixed my hair and dusted off my outfit splashed water on my face and went towards the library.

I walked into the library and I poked my head in and scanned the room until I saw him sitting in the back at a round table facing towards me looking down at his textbook

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I walked into the library and I poked my head in and scanned the room until I saw him sitting in the back at a round table facing towards me looking down at his textbook.

I shake off his nerves and walk near him and plop in a seat next to him he looks up and I give him a smile he just looked back down at his book I frowned.

 I shake off his nerves and walk near him and plop in a seat next to him he looks up and I give him a smile he just looked back down at his book I frowned

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"Hey" I mumbled fiddling with the long sleeve of my sweater he flipped a page in his book.

"Hi," he said voice different not the same soft tone I usually hear I feel my chest tighten and bit my lip he still hasn't looked at me but I try to push my feelings down and try to act normal act like friends and not act like I'm in love with the man in front of me.

I put both my arms on the table and poke his hand that was next to the book "I didn't know you came to the library" I said

"I have a test coming up," he said I nodded and rested my chin on my palms that were on the table trying to get his attention fluttering my eyelash at him.

"Whatcha studying?" I said trying to act my cutest to get him to at least look at me.

"Korean History," he said eyes still on the book I poked him again.

" about we go grab some honey chips and go eat outside it's not that cold today?" I said he huffed and turned the page again.

"Yoongi I'm studying," he said I pouted

"Come on I haven't seen you in a few days...I miss you let's go snacking I'll pay!" I said with a smile he huffed and finally looked at me.

"Listen I need to study so please stop bugging me and go play with Jungkook," he said I sit up and blink at him a little hurt.

"W-What? I just wanted to hang out you don't have to be mean.." I whispered

"Well sorry I can't entertain you I have to study we all can be genius like you so please leave me alone," he said and my heart pinged at that.

"Why are you being an asshole?" I said blinking at him he looked over my face then groaned aloud.

"You're so needy! Your still a child! You've always been like that just go away! I can't look at you...I-I can't look at you leave me alone" he said and fuck...the hurt it hurt a whole lot I feel the tears fill my eyes.

"F-Fuck're still a j-jerk nothing has c-changed everything was an m-mistake trusting you again was a mistake...I'm an idiot I won't bother y-you again" I said and stood up and left the library.

Tears filled my eyes as I walk down the hallway wiping them sniffling

I'm so fucking stupid...why did I let myself fall again...why did I let him back in my life I built such high walls and he knocked them down so easily...

I'm crying walking around the hallway it's still lunchtime there aren't a lot of students I just want to get away from everyone I'm walking around blindly until I run into something hard a chest but I immediately recognize the smell and I look up and see Jungkook he looks at me with concerned eyes I choke on a sob and fall into his arms he held me tight and pull me to the side into an empty classroom and hugged me tightly.

"I know that crying face what the fuck did he do?" He said I shook my head and cried into his chest I haven't told Jungkook about Jimin and I making up and becoming friends because Jungkook literally hates Jimin he hates him so much so couldn't tell him yet.

"K-Kookie I'm I needy?" I whispered he hugged me tighter.

"No you're perfect Hyung did he tell you that? I'll kick his ass why did you go near him he is toxic" he said

"I-It was a mistake...I won't go near h-him again" I said and pulled back "c-can't believe I let myself get close again" I whispered

"This is why I've been bulking up I'm ready to go to beat him as Hulk did to Loki," he said I giggled softly and wiped my tears.

"No don't do that...let's just forget him you're all I need...just you Kookie," I said and hugged him again.

"Always knew you were in love with me," he said I scoffed and punched his arm and hurt my hand.

"You wish your still my bro," I said he chuckled and wiped my tears.

"Your my small bro and I'll protect you Hyung and I promised I wouldn't let him hurt you again I'm sorry I broke that promise we never break our promises..." he said I frowned and sighed.

" didn't it's okay...thank you your always here to pick up the pieces when I break I owe you everything," I said

"I'll really kick his ass just say the word," he said I chuckled.

"It's okay...maybe later I'm just sad and hungry," I said

"Let go I'll buy you the cake they sell at the cafeteria"
He said I smiled and held his arm

"Two slices," I said he chuckled

"Okay two," he said I smiled and pulled him towards the cafeteria.


Are you mad at me :(  I'm sorry still on my period I'm eating cake right now it's delicious

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Are you mad at me :( I'm sorry still on my period I'm eating cake right now it's delicious

Also FYI there is no yoonkook here besides a really close friendship

Jungkook thinks of Yoongi as a older brother he must protect

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