chapter 10

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Jimin POV

"Is this breaking and entering I'm to cute for jail!" Yoongi whispered as I pack the food we brought at the convenience store into my bag we are still at the car.

"It's not breaking and entering it's just an empty field near the airport" I said

"It's dark and cold what are we doing here?" he whined.

I moved and walked over to my trunk and grabbed the two blankets I have back there and a beanie then went back to Yoongi and wrapped him up and placed the beanie on his head.

"There better?" I said softly even though it's dark I could see his blush.

"Y-Yeah" he whispered holding the blanket around him.

"Hey I know it's cold and dark but it will be worth it do you trust me" I whispered brushing his bangs out of his eyes.

He just looked into my eyes like he was searching for something

"I trust you" he said I smiled and nodded

"Good let's go before we miss it" I said and started walking he followed me next to me.

"Can you tell what we are doing here? Why you have me walking up a small hill at 8:45pm" he said

"It's a surprise" I said

"You keep saying that but I was promised a fun night with a cute guy but I'm just cold and hungry" he said I smiled

"You think I'm cute?" I said with a smirk he blushed.

"No..okay I do you know your cute don't gloat" he said

"I think your cute as well if that makes you feel better" I said he pouted and blushed even more.

"It's doesn't" he said

We finally get to the top of the hill I set down the blanket and then the backpack I gesture for him to sit he plopped down sitting criss cross I sat next to him.

"Want your snacks?" I said he nodded eagerly making grabby hands.

I grabbed his honey butter chips and pocky and handed it to him he smiled and opened the bag munching on his chips.

"Aish I'm so hungry thank you" he said licking his lips

"You're welcome" I said drinking my water

"You want some I know you like these?" He said

"Y-You remember that?" I said he nodded

"Of course you would keep a ziplock baggy in your pocket during playtime and it would get crushed when you played" he said I just blink at him.

"I'm sorry still about everything" I said

"It's okay I told you I forgive you all I ever wanted was an apology" he said softly

"Your amazing Yoongi you know that? Even back then you were five and good could read full sentences I thought you were the coolest person I've ever met" I said he smiled and feed me a chip.

"That's funny because I thought you were the coolest person I've ever meet I was always so excited every time we played together" he said

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