chapter 57

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Yoongi POV

I pull up to the school and park my car it's still early only 6:40 I turn off the engine I look around the parking lot and I see the black car I'm very familiar with I grab my backpack and leave my car.

I see my handsome boyfriend leaning against his car I skip towards him and jump into his arms he hugged me immediately.

"Morning baby" he whispered softly near my ear I pull back and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Morning my love" I whispered he smiled at me and I felt the same butterflies I always feel when he is near me so I kiss his jawline up to his ear "I missed you," I said he puts his hands on my waist and pulled me closer he grabbed my chin and kissed me gently his soft lips on mine he taste like spearmint.

I kiss back getting lost in him for a second he pulls me closer our chest touching he moves his hands down my body and cups my ass with both his hands I gasped and pulled away.

"Mhm we're still in school" I whispered and moved his hands off my ass "So don't fondle my ass in public," I said he frowned.

"But it looks so good in these pants to let just keep kissing and see what happens" he whispered and kissed me again very passionately hands back on my ass and I accidentally let out a moan against his lips and it triggered something in him so he growled and flipped us so fast so now my back was against his car his hands on my waist kissing me hungrily.

I put both of my hands on his chest and push him away with a gasp his lips are red and his eyes are dilated "Jesus Taehyung is right you are horny" I whispered he moved his hands and caged me between his arms my back on his car.

"It's just you smell so good like lavender and honey and look at your outfit...and we haven't had sex in three days and...fuck! Your just so hot and I miss your body so much" he said I laughed

"Feels so nice to be wanted but we're still in school right now but if your a good boy," I said and hooped my finger in his jeans pulling him closer "You can come over and I'll show my new lingerie and I'll let you do whatever you want to me" I whispered near his ear.

"Really? Anything I want" He said I smiled at him and nodded he gave me a big kiss on the lips I giggled at him then he attacked my face with kisses.

"Mhm let's go inside I'm freezing my nips off," I said he nodded and held my hand as we walked towards the doors of the school I checked my watch school starts in 10 minutes.

"So I was thinking for the dance we should go shopping for suits! Oh also I want a corsage" I said he chuckled.

"Aren't corsages only for girls?" he said I scoffed.

"No there for everyone and I want one," I said he kissed my hand.

"Of course baby anything for you," he said I smiled at him and kissed his cheek we continued walking into the school.

We enter the hallway and walked hand in hand towards my locker "Do these pants really make my ass look good?" I asked he smiled and nodded.

"Yes can I grab it again," he said I shook my head.

"No, keep your hands where I can see them," I said

"Okay maybe just the pocket like they did in All The Boys I've Ever Loved," he said I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Your cute I love you," I said as we stopped walking in the hallway but suddenly something weird happens.

Everyone phones start dinging at the same time like a mass email was sent to all the students even my phone dinged but before I take it out all the TV's in the school started I glance at the one close to me thinking maybe it's the principal giving an announcement or something.

But as the video starts my heart drops I see myself on the school TV on all the TVs in the school playing all at once.

It's the video Jimin took of me the one in his bed the one where I'm half naked!!

My eyes widen as I look at the TV

"What the hell??" I hear Jimin say next to me I look at him then at all the students around me whispering and pointing at me.

"Oh my god" I mumbled the video keeps playing loud I hear my voice from the video echo through the hallway I feel my blood run cold and the body starts to shake.

The video keeps playing like it's on a loop I look from the TV and see students girls and boys whispered still looking at their phones I suddenly remember the mass email that was sent so I pull out my phone and click on the email.

It's another video that looks I see Jimin and Namjoon in the thumbnail.

I click on the video

"Bullshit your dying to tell me," Namjoon said

"I am! was amazing his body, wow and Yoongi looks innocent but far from it he is kinky and bendy I mean at Taehyung New Years party we did it in the bathroom when the clock hit midnight and that shit was his idea and he sends me like sexy photos I'm loving my best life" Jimin said

"You're not just using him right?" Namjoon said

"Hell yeah what else is he good for," Jimin said with a smile

The video stops at that point and my heart breaks I don't know what else to feel I didn't even realize I was crying.

I feel a hand on my arm and I turn to look and it's Jimin I look into his eyes looking for that safe and warm feeling I always get looking for those butterflies I always feel but...


I snatch my arm away from him eyes glossy are the whispers from the students still around us the video of me still playing on the TV

I can't take it anymore I run down the hallway and out of the school I hear him calling after me but I ignore him.

"Yoongi! Wait!" I heard as I reach my car I fumble with my keys trying to open my car I finally unlock it and open the door but I hand slams it shut.

"Yoongi please wait," he said panicked I can't look at him.

"I-I wanna leave" I whispered

"Okay that's okay I'll go with you," he said I finally look at him

"No!" I snapped

"Yoongi," he said softly more tear fall from my eyes I ignored him and got in my car, and drove off

I had to leave I couldn't handle that...


I have writer's block!!!! This always happens when I'm bout to end a fanfic

Ugh I'm stuck and just wanna finish this my brain won't work :((((

Ugh I'm stuck and just wanna finish this my brain won't work :((((

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