chapter 38

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Jimin POV

"Why the fuck did I agree to go to this party?" I huffed as Taehyung fixed my hair all my friends are in my room even Somi she's like apart of our group now I don't know why but it's cool she's funny.

"We were invited Duh! And I've never been to Jin's house Joon said it was giantic I'm excited don't ruin this for me" Taehyung said now fixing his hair

"Technically only Namjoon was invited because he is screwing the host" I said

"That's true but no way I leave my main buds behind and Jin won't mind" Namjoon said

"Don't say main buds ever again" Hoseok said putting on his jacket

"But you are my main buds my homies my pals" Namjoon joked

"It's so gay in here" Somi said I chuckled

"Okay let me look at ever one! Stand in a line" Tae said and no one followed his direction expected Hoseok.

"Whatever we all look hot" Taehyung said and looked me up and down one more time.

"Yup I'm a mastermind all of us are getting some tonight" he said I looked down at my outfit it's nice and expensive and see though but I couldn't argue with tae his mind was set.

"Yup I'm a mastermind all of us are getting some tonight" he said I looked down at my outfit it's nice and expensive and see though but I couldn't argue with tae his mind was set

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"I know I will" Namjoon smirked I rolled my eyes and stood up

"I'll drive I don't wanna drink that much tonight anyways and just in cause I need to flea if I see Yoongi" I said

"You look hot with your blonde hair he might jump your bones" Hoseok said

"Yeah that's not happening pretty sure he hates me" I said putting on my shoes.

"No drama tonight let's just have fun" Namjoon said

"Sure" we all said

-Skip to party-

We arrived at Jin's house and holy shit this place is gigantic! Like wow we have only been here for 30 minutes as the house is so full people everywhere dancing on each other making out in the hallway the song "I Like it" by Cardi b is playing loud from the speakers I lost all my friends in the house it's just me and Somi she wanted to stay sober as well but we both have a beer in our hands we in the kitchen and is sitting on the counter I'm next her she looks good she has nice style but it's not my taste.

We arrived at Jin's house and holy shit this place is gigantic! Like wow we have only been here for 30 minutes as the house is so full people everywhere dancing on each other making out in the hallway the song "I Like it" by Cardi b is playing lou...

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