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Third Person POV  -3 year skip-

Let's talk about what happened in the last three years.

The small couple continued with their junior year of high school they went on lots of dates like Jimin promised they went to the zoo and the aquarium and during spring break they drove down to Jeju for the beach with their friends and all stayed in a beach house it was a blast and the couple finally had alone time again for the first time in months since the sex tape issue and maybe there bodies missed each other a lot because things got crazy because they ripped each other's clothes off once they got into there shared room it might have been the beer they all drunk early in the night and how horny Yoongi gets when he drinks but the night was steamy.

Soon the summer comes around that year and Namjoon and Jin graduated in June they were seniors but besides that, it was summertime and the nights were warm and starry and they went on late-night drives and had a lot more sleepovers but sometimes they had to leave the door open because Yoongi's dad set some rules.

But when school started again all four boys were seniors that included Taehyung and Hoseok who were still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship because now they are the ones making out during lunch and Jimin got his revenge and shoved garlic in Taehyung's mouth.

It's was the middle of the year when they started to apply for college and their was no argument when deciding their future together even though Yoongi was basically a genius and could get into any college he wanted.

He wanted to stay in Korea but leave Busan and go to Seoul where Seoul National University was so Jimin and Yoongi both applied there the acceptance rate was low only 10 to 20% of applicants got in so they had their fingers crossed.

In March when their status of if they got in or not come along all four friends check their email at the same time only to find out that all four of them got in they screamed and hugged each other.

So when June came around the four graduated with Yoongi being the valedictorian the only sad thing was leaving behind Jungkook who was still a junior so when they had to leave for Seoul Yoongi cried so much leaving his best friend and Jungkook cried even more but the couple bid their farewell to family and packed their cars and left to Seoul.

Freshman year of college was a lot of hard work plus Jimin was stressing because Yoongi roommate was some hot foreigner from America named Johnny he was tall and buff but straight and super nice so Yoongi always reminds Jimin of that fact.

When they both applied for the school Yoongi didn't know what he wanted to do his major was undecided of course his parents wanted him to be a doctor and he could if he wanted to his brain is that big but he didn't want that path.

For Jimin, he knew what he wanted to be an idol so he is getting his degree in music and arts and is hoping to get into the entertainment industry maybe even has a background dancer at first and all this shocked Yoongi he didn't know Jimin wanted this but was very supportive he is Jimin's first fan.

Freshman year was finally over and they got to go back home to Busan and Yoongi was excited to see his family and best friend and but was sad hear that Jungkook didn't get into Seoul National University but was still in a school in Seoul.

Now we're all caught up

Jimin POV

"I can't believe the school gave us this apartment! We have an apartment Minnie us two like damn we're fucking adults" He cheered hanging up stuff on the wall in the living room.

"I can't believe the school gave us this apartment! We have an apartment Minnie us two like damn we're fucking adults"  He cheered hanging up stuff on the wall in the living room

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