chapter 7

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Yoongi POV

After I get into my house I close the door my chest heaving up and down I drop my bag on the ground

"Shit I just embarrassed myself" I whispered into my hands.

"Don't curse young man" I hear and I snap my head up and see my mom and dad standing in the hallway looking at me.

"Sorry Eomma," I said taking off my shoes walking into the kitchen seeing dinner on the table.

"I was about to send your Appa to go get you how did you get home?" She said as we all sit down at the table.

"Oh...a friend" I whispered grabbing my chopsticks to dig it because my mom went all out food looks delicious my mouth is watering.

a friend" I whispered grabbing my chopsticks to dig it because my mom went all out food looks delicious my mouth is watering

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"Thanks for the meal" I whispered munching on some dumplings

"So tell us what's wrong?" My dad said I sigh continue eating.

"What nothing I'm just hungry," I said

"Yoonie we saw a guy dropped you off and saw you trip coming out of the car," my mom said

"Man a guy can't hide anything anymore" I huffed digging into the black bean noodles.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" My dad said I almost choked on my noodles

"W-What n-no I told you it was a friend" I pouted they both laugh.

"Okay okay don't pout I was just curious," my mom said

"I swear I don't have a guys know I don't date," I said eating some pork.

"Yours so cute yoongi go date hot boys," my dad said I roll my eyes.

"Jin said the same thing" I whispered

"I have always liked Jin" my dad hummed eating his food.

After dinner, I showered changed my clothes, and went into my room to do my homework

It's only 6 pm when I finish my homework I stretch my body on my cozy bed and let my body relax my homework was tough but I'm in all AP classes so of course, it was hard I put my things away and grab my phone that I was ignoring while I did my hom...

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It's only 6 pm when I finish my homework I stretch my body on my cozy bed and let my body relax my homework was tough but I'm in all AP classes so of course, it was hard I put my things away and grab my phone that I was ignoring while I did my homework. I have a text from Jungkook asking if I got home okay and I have a text from an unknown number.

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