chapter 17

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Yoongi POV

"Ow! You poked my eye!" I hissed as I sat in my room with Lisa she is putting creams and lotions on my face but her long nails are stabbing me.

"Stop moving!" She spat rubbing vitamin c serum on my face for a reason I don't know.

"This will make me look oily" I huffed she patted my skin gently.

"It hydrates your skin and makes you glow now stay still while I pluck your eyebrows," she said I frowned

"I usually don't put so much on my face," I said while she looked through her makeup bag.

"We get it your naturally pretty brag much?" She said I chuckled

"I asked you here as emotional support not to bully me," I said "What are you doing to my face I don't understand," I asked

"Not much unless you want full glam" she winked

"No thanks just make me glow I guess" she nodded and started to tweeze my eyebrows then she brushed them they she approached with a weird-looking metal pincher I flinched as it got near my eyelashes.

"Let me curl them they are so long and pretty it will make your eyes look bigger" she whined

"Hell no get back," I said

"Please trust me Oppa," she said I gagged because I hate when she calls me that.

"Fine fine just be careful" I huffed she smiled and curled my eyelashes it didn't hurt and then she put on clear mascara to make them longer at least that's what she said.

She went on and covered my dark circles and put pink lip tint on my lips and that's all she smiled then sprayed something on my face.

I looked in the mirror I actually looked nice like a doll my freckles really stood out today I then got dressed and put in my small silver hoops.

I looked in the mirror I actually looked nice like a doll my freckles really stood out today I then got dressed and put in my small silver hoops

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"How do look? Is it too many blues? Like the girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory?" I said she laughed and ate some pokey.

"Violet your turning Violet!" She said I glare at her

"Hush your face" I said she starts wiggling

"Listen close, and listen hard The tale of Violet Beauregarde~" she sang

"How do you remember this song?" I said she shrugged

"It's catchy" she said

"Do I really look to blue" I frowned laughed but shook her head

"No, you look cute! Spray some of the Marc Jacobs perfume and you're ready to go cousin" she said I smiled at her and sat next to her on my bed feet dangling and then stole a pokey from the box.

"Oh I got something for you," she said I look over at her she pulls out-breath mint strips.

"Breath strips? why would I nee- oh...shit," I said

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