chapter 3

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Yoongi POV

I get to daycare that Monday super nervous I'm carrying the flower crown for Jimin in a yellow gift bag so it doesn't get ruined I walk in my room but not before peeking into Jimin's classroom to see if he is here and I see him laughing with his friends at his table I smile to myself and dash to my room and carefully place the bag in my cubby along with my backpack then sit at my table and wait for playtime which is after snack time.

"Okay kiddos clean up all your trash and line up at the back door for playtime" I hear and I quickly shove my last tangerine slice into my mouth and throw away the peels in the bin.

I dash to my cubby and grab the gift bag and stand in the line I see the teacher grab her bell and clipboard and head for the door I feel so excited and nervous I can't wait to show Jimin the crown and maybe I'll finally have a real friend maybe even a best friend and for it to be someone like Jimin makes me giddy.

She opens the door and the sun shines through the door it's a beautiful day the teacher tells us to go outside and be careful we walk outside and everyone dashed away and started playing but I stand at the open door scanning for Jimin and I finally set my eyes on him he is at the tree but this time he is with his two friends they are playing with bubbles I take a deep breath and walk over to them.

They see me approaching them and stop playing with the bubbles Jimin and I lock eyes and he smiled and waved at me I feel my face get warm I stand in front of them.

"H-Hi uh Jimin can I talk to you?" I said softly Jimin nods.

"Sure what's up?" He said putting his bubble gun on the ground and looks at me.

I look at his soft smile one more time before I speak

"W-Well I'm really happy we meet and become close I think your very kind...and very beautiful like a prince in the" I stopped and pulled out the crown and handed it to him he held it blinking at me "I made this for you...because I really like you Jimin I wanna be friends and I think it would look pretty on you" I said he just stood there blinking at me his cheeks a little red then I hear his friends laugh.

"Oh my god! Jimin he likes you" Hoseok said I blush looking at Jimin he snapped his head towards Hoseok.

"Aww he wants you to be his boyfriend jiminie how gross," Namjoon said I feel the panic rise in me.

"Yoongi and Jimin sitting in a tree K I S S I NG first comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage" Namjoon and Hoseok sang.

I see Jimin glare at his friends then he looks at me than the flower crown in his hands he then rips it apart and I felt my heart break my poor little heart shattered.

"Shut up!" He yelled I flinched then he looked back at me and I see his face is red "I don't want your stupid flower crown and I like don't like you!" he spat I feel tears sting my eyes and I move closer to him.

"J-Jimin-" I said but he pushed me I fell on my butt then he started yelling again.

"I don't wanna be friends with you I never did the teacher made me! I don't like you I already have friends and your ugly with all the dots on ur nose stay away from me I don't like boys" he said and ran away his friends looked at me then Jimin and followed him.

I stay on the ground crying I pick the ripped crown that took me hours that my Appa spent money on ruined in a flash.

Soon I feel a hand on my back and look up and see a boy very small boy with bowl hair cut he had big eyes and picks up the crown and tries to fix it.

"We can ask the teacher for tape," he said I frown and shook my head.

"N-No forget it" I whispered

"I'm sorry that was mean the crown was pretty," the boy said

"H-He hated he h-hates me..." I cried the small boy hugged me his tiny arms wrapped around me.

"Don't cry it's okay" he said softly I wiped my tears.

"I t-thought he would like it...I-I thought he wanted to be my f-friend" I said

"I'll be your friend," he said I blink at him.

"W-Who are you?" I asked he smiled it was like a bunny.

"I'm Jungkook!" He chirps he looked excited

"I'm Y-Yoongi," I said he nodded and pulled me to my feet.

"Today is my first day I'll be your friend I promise and I won't be a meanie like him," he said

"R-Really?" I whispered he nodded

"I'll protect you from any more meanies especially him," he said flexing his small body I giggled

"Your small," I said he glared

"I can still pinch him if he gets too close," he said I laughed again.

"Okay kookie," I said he smiled and jumped a little

"Good Hyung! Let's go play forget about that boy" he said I nodded and let Jungkook pull me to play soccer.

After that day I never spoke to Jimin again and the more I thought about it the more anger I felt towards the boy.

Jimin never approached me again sometimes I see him look at me while I play with Jungkook and share my comics with him but I ignored him and I slowly become very close with Jungkook we had sleepovers and he becomes my best friend and after I got too old for daycare and started elementary school I didn't get to see Jungkook because he is a year younger than me.

As elementary school started I become better at making friends I made another one a older boy named Seokjin he was also pretty and didn't mind being called that we played together and also become close and when Jungkook got to elementary school all three of becoming best friends and I never looked over at Jimin again but of course we shared some teachers during our time at elementary school we even sat kinda close our desk near one another but I couldn't look at him so I acted like he didn't exist and he did the same all until we got to middle school and Jimin started acting differently.


oh shit 0.0

also don't hate on Namjoon and Hoseok or Jimin they were only 5 and 6 kids don't know any better they become good people.

also don't hate on Namjoon and Hoseok or Jimin they were only 5 and 6 kids don't know any better they become good people

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