chapter 47

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Jimin POV

"Jimin make snow angels with me!" I hear then I fix the beanie on my head and look at the boy laying on the fresh blanket of snow on the ground he is wearing a grey puffy coat a pink beanie his cheeks are rosy he is moving his legs and arms making a snow angel a giant smile on his face.

"Stop looking at me and join me silly," he said I felt my heart flutter as I looked at him his beautiful skin glowing in the light of the snow and sun his brown hair poking out from under his pink beanie "Jimin!" He grinned.

I lay down next to him on the snow he smiled and kept going with his snow angel

I started to make mine I could hear his chuckles next to me once I was done with my angel and stood up he looked up at me his eyelashes fluttering at me he has snowflakes caught him them.

I'm so in love oh my god

"Help me up weirdo," he said making grabby hands at me I smiled at grabbed both his hands pulling him up he stood up on his feet we bumped chest his face so close to mine a big smile on his face.

"Why do you keep staring at me? Is there something on my face?" He hummed cold hands still holding mine.

"Your beautiful" I whispered he blushed then pecked my lips

"Don't try and sweet talk me because I'm better at making snow angels I mean yours looks like a circle" he said clicking his teeth shaking his head.

I looked at my snow angel and he isn't wrong it looks like a big circle I then scoffed and pinched his nose

"Brat I was trying to be romantic" I huffed he giggled and put his arms around my neck and kissed me it was soft and cold and he tasted like candy canes because he was munching on some beforehand.

I feel him move his leg so that he trips me and we both fall back on the soft snow I let out a yelp as we fall back he even falls on top of me.

"Yah! Yoongi! What did you do that for?" I said he just shrugged.

"Don't know it was fun right?" He smiled I moved my hands off his waist and got two handfuls of snow ripped off his beanie and smashed it on his head he gasped.

"What the hell! That was cold!" He said I smiled

"Revenge baby," I said he scoffed picked up some snow and smashed it on my head then hopped off me and stood up.

"Yah you better watch out," I said standing up he chuckled and ran off.

We played in the snow for 30 minutes until Yoongi complained about being cold and we walked back to my apartment.

I unlocked the door the warm air hitting our faces "holy shit I'm so cold there is even snow in my pants" he huffed taking off his boots and hat.

"That's because I shoved snow down your pants" I smiled taking off my coat he glared at me.

"Yeah you jerk" he mumbled I chuckled I stood in front of him and unzipped his coat and took it off he is really cold.

"I'm sorry why don't you go take a hot shower and I'll make us dinner," I said kissing his cold cheek.

"You can cook?" He asked I nodded

"Yes I'm the full package better lock it down," I said

"I won't believe it until I see it," he said I pinched his cheek and turned him around, and patted his butt.

"Go shower kitten," I said he huffed and dashed away I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

It's Saturday and Yoongi is sleeping over for the first time it's the first time we will spend the night with each other because my mom went to visit her mom and I was supposed to go with her I begged to stay back so she let me and then I invited Yoongi over...I'm so nervous but excited I mean my bed is small but I don't mind cuddling him to sleep.

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