chapter 63

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Yoongi POV

"Ow! My fucking eye again Lisa!" I spat because here I am again in my room Lisa in front of me doing my makeup and hair for the dance.

"It's just eyeshadows calm your tits," she said I huffed and crossed my arms.

She is doing light makeup on to me to match my outfit for the dance she said it will make my eyes pop.

"Are you nervous like first dance with your first boyfriend big money moves here" she said softly doing my eyebrows.

"Yeah just a little butterflies but I'm really excited I feel like it's gonna be a good night,"  I said with a goofy smile.

"Your so in love it's gross," she said

"I do love him," I said looking down at my hands.

"God your cheesy" she laughed then bought back out the evil eyelash curler I moved my head back "Yoon stop it this only curls them don't be a baby," she said

"Fine go ahead be careful," I said she finished up my makeup just curled my eyelashes then applied clear mascara and put pink chapstick to tint my lips.

"There go get dressed your prince will be here soon!" She said standing me up patting my butt I glared at her but went to get dressed in the bathroom.

After putting on my outfit in the bathroom I step out and Lisa is on my bed waiting for me she gasped aloud.

"Oh wow Min you look hot" she cheered I looked in the mirror.

"Thank you," I said

(( wings era yoongi was too beautiful istg))

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(( wings era yoongi was too beautiful istg))

"Honestly I didn't think any man besides Harry styles would look good in a sparkly suit but you're killing it," she said I gasped.

"Really! I'm on Harry level" I said she nodded.

"Definitely if Harry was here he would be like 'Wow Yoongi you wore sparkly suits better than me please leave Jimin and run away with me' but since your in love with Jimin, you would say 'no Harry I can't I'm in love but my very single cousin Lisa is available' then boom double wedding," she said I laughed.

"Like I would let you have Harry style silly dumb girl I laugh at you hahaha," I said fixing my hair.

"Rude bitch taking all the hot guys" she huffed crossing her arms I sprayed some perfume on and winked at her.

"Yoongi dear! Jimin is here"  I hear my mom say

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS YELL!" She yelled back

"I DONT KNOW!" I said

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