chapter 13

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Jimin POV

It's Friday school just ended It's been such a long ass day just an emotional mess and my mind drifts it flashes back to Yoongi face when I told him to go was the same face he made in daycare that broken look but I had to do it...I can't have him around I can't have him smile at me with his beautiful gummy smile I can't hear his laughter I can't have him close to me or look at me. Like he actually might feel something for me as well it just fucking's been years and I can't keep this one sided love going...I just can't be his friend I need to try to move on and having him around me won't help the process...

I'm standing near my car cigarette in hands I only smoke when I'm really stressed so that's why I'm poisoning my lungs right now plus the parking lot is empty I huff and look down at the cement parking lot kicking the peddles on the ground.

"Yah!" I hear I snapped my head up and see Seokjin walking towards me with a glare I huff and rub my temples.

"You asshole" he spat once he is in front of me

"What do you want Jin" I said he smacked my arm

"That's hyung you stupid asshat!" he said I huffed and put my cigarette in my lips taking another hit and blew the smoke up he scrunched up his nose.

I groaned "Why am I getting yelled at?" I said about to smoke again but he takes my cigarette and throws it on the ground and steps on it "What the fuck!" I spat very pissed off.

"How fucking stupid are you!" He yelled

"What are you talking about" I said leaning on my car.

"You know Namjoon and I worked so hard to get you two together I was literally pulling all the strings and everything was going great! Until you fucked shit up!" He said I tried to process that whole sentence.

"Wait you and Namjoon?" I said

"That's not the point!" He yelled "The point is I thought everything was going fine until Yoongi came crying to me today telling me how you broke his heart again!!" He yelled I blink at him.

"W-What?" I said he groaned and pulled at his blonde hair.

"Oh my god you two are impossible I'm getting wrinkles!" He said "Why are you pushing him away again?!" He added I huffed getting annoyed at him.

"Because I love him! Okay is that what you want to hear! I have loved him for years and ...I can't have him around giving me hope that one day he might like me back...I thought maybe if I can be friends with him that maybe I could show him how much I like him but each time I reached out he would take ten steps back and after I heard him...turn down that Wonho guy it made it clear as day that I'll never have chance will him that he isn't even looking my I had no choice but to push him away" I said and I thought my little speech was great I said how I feel but Seokjin just laughed I blink at him.

"Oh my god you two are ridiculous" he laughed even more "Literally how blind and stupid are both of you?" He said

"I'm so confused" I said

"You literally dumb ass he will murder me for telling you this but...Yoongi likes you he like really likes you" he said and my heart starts to beat loud in my chest.

"H-He what?" I said

"Yoongi likes you you idiot he fucking likes you back" he said

"No" I whispered he groaned

"Yes think back to all your interaction he only looked at you the whole concert! He wanted to impress you dressing up nice for you! His smile lights up like the sun when your around! And he kept that little red bracelet you gave him all those years ago!" He said and after hearing all that it's like getting smacked in the face.

"Oh shit" I whispered

"OH FUCK!" I yelled Jin claps

"Yay you figured it out" he said

"Oh no!" I said

"Yeah you dumb bitch" he said I pulled at my hair

"Oh no oh no!" I said "He hates me! I royalty screwed up!" I said

"Now you can stop being a little dweeb and fix this shit and actually confess not like all those times in middle school" he said I looked at Jin and grabbed his shoulders shaking him.

"You have to help me!" I said he pushed me off him

"Okay one never touch me again unless your 6ft and have dimples" he said I rolled my eyes "Your on your own I did enough work this has to come from the heart good luck don't screw up" he hummed and walked away.

I paced back and fourth next to my car the sky was getting orange and pink because and my brain isn't working!! I cant find the courage to get in my car and drive to his house and tell him how I feel.

I wouldn't know what to say...I was a jerk again to him when all he was trying to do was be nice to reach out.

I was about to give up and move to Iceland to avoid all my problems when a bright lightbulb went off in my head

Maybe I don't have to actual say how I feel...

I'm gonna try and fix everything our love story doesn't have to be tragic...


I have a confession idea for yoonmin here's a hint :)

I have a confession idea for yoonmin here's a hint :)

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