chapter 19

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Yoongi POV

It's another Monday morning I'm really happy this morning I'm at my locker putting my bag away when I hear a loud voice I already know who it is.

"So how was the date?" I hear it's seokjin standing tall with his blonde hair I close my locker and lean against it the same stupid smile from Saturday on my face.

"Hyung it was really amazing like out of a movie it was on a rooftop date we watched a movie and he got us food and ice cream I really like him," I said dreamily remember how it felt to be in Jimin's arms to feel his touch.

"Did you guys make out because I heard Jimin is a good kisser with them plump ass lips?" he said I huffed and looked down at my sneakers.

"No, we didn't..." I whispered he sighed loud

"Why not he's hot just grab his face and kiss him," he said I pouted and looked down "Oh I understand," he said I keep looking down.

"You think you're going to be bad at it and you're nervous since he has experience,"  he said I frowned and fiddle with my fingers.

"No..." I whispered

"Yes! That's why! Don't lie! Just because Jungkook said gross after kissing you when you guys were young doesn't mean your bad" he said I huffed

"I'm scared! He has such high expectations of me...what if I disappoint him.." I said he scoffed

"Kissing isn't that hard it comes naturally," he said "But if your really scared google it like everyone else does" he added and walked away.

I let out a breath watching him walk away since I'm early at school today I have 20 minutes until class starts so I pull out my phone and unlocked it I look up to make sure no one is around because I'm embarrassed by what I'm about to do...

I open google and type in

[  How to kiss a boy  ]

A bunch of sites comes up but the first one is wikiHow and it has pictures so I click on that one

It's was how to kiss a boy in 13 steps

"Seems easy enough" I whispered

I was reading the steps finding them somewhat helpful then suddenly I hear a deep voice then someone next to me which scares me I almost drop my phone

"Whatcha looking at so intensely," Jungkook said I tried to quickly close google but he snatched the phone and looked at it.

"How to kiss a boy? Why are you googling this?" He said laughing a bit and I'm blushing like crazy trying to get my phone back.

"Jungkook stop!" I whined he laughed and gave me back my phone.

"Hyungie why are you looking that up?" He said I bit my lip and looked down.

"I'm just curious..." I said he chuckled

"About kissing?" He said I looked up and glared at him he just smiled at me and stood tall in front of me.

"Yes stop laughing I'm being serious" I huffed

"Why?" He said I shrugged trying to act cool.

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